The louder he rants, the more likely he'll end up with a stroke. Not the worst outcome, don't you agree?
Ich wüsste den perfekten FDP-Werbeartikel: Gelbe Bremsklötze mit FDP-Aufdruck.
Anybody still wondering why the sane part of the world uses metric?
For "normalisation of sexualisation of children" go ask the people organizing child beauty pageants.
Apart from that, the TSA did obviously not notice that he was carrying. Which means they either don't do their job, or they are worthless as such.
If you forget about carrying your gun, than you are not handling it with the required responsibility.
US politics is delivering so many opportunities for eating popcorn. "The Speaker Show: Who Will Fail Today", "Trump vs. the Law - Showdown in Court".
"Energy price drops" does not mean "power bill price drops". It just means "growing profits".
Habe ich kein Problem mit. Mindestlohn rauf, und der Abstand ist wieder da.
It is not exactly sudden, it's creeping for the last 20, 30 years.
For many it is simply frustrating because it is not Windows. Just think about how many people have a hard time already to get the most simple things done on Windows. Can you imagine those people to switch to another platform? Those people who cannot find their banking app anymore when something moved the icon on the desktop to another position?
Die Frage ist: Was verlangen die da an Miete? Das ist ja schon öfter so, dass die Leute, die eine Wohnung bräuchten, die exorbitanten Mieten nicht zahlen könnten, und die, die das Geld haben, nicht in Wohnungen rein wollen, die weit unter ihrem Standard sind.