Yeah right
If Todd could find a way to monetize them he would remake them. $7 to let DogMeat live
In this case this is fucked up. Let people wash dammit
I mean what's the deal with age anyway /s
Principal Skinner = no. The children yearn for the microtransactions
The front usually isn't supposed to fall off
Mount the owner to show dominance
This isn't the solution. Stop corporations from buying homes. Lower interest rates at the banks
The whales will buy it and satisfy the management who approved this piece of shit price
Walmart in Pico Rivera California closed the store for 9 months for "plumbing problems" after the workers started to organize a union a few years back.
Rite aid always claiming theft in all their stores for loss but also part of the reason they claim for their bankruptcy.
It was met with a lot of resistance