Why is this sub only about elon?
Its the only way to make anonymous payments (XMR Monero) in a world where everything tracks and spies on you. And it's not only used to buy illegal stuff https://kycnot.me/ . I think of it like the TOR browser. Its great for people who are trying to escape an authoritarian government, but it can be used for bad things as well. But it should exist as I believe privacy is a human right.
Privacy in the UK is dead.
A bot account on Lemmy?
+1 for IronFox
I mean Sweden asked for a backdoor recently. Maybe they're jealous of the US lol
Maybe they got access to a backdoor.
That's Lemmy for you..
I have said some wild stuff and never been permabanned. What did you post?
You don't even need to visit adult sites to find porn nowadays. Its all on social media.
Grayjay is great but I wish it was fully open source
Shut up snowflake