Where's that person who was arguing with me last time that AI doesn't actually use that much energy and the corps missing their climate goals was not AI related
“You’re a VP of customer success?” he asked another attendee. “Congratulations on your position that did not exist five years ago!”
Okay what the fuck is a "VP of customer success" though, that's a title so made up money laundering has to be involved, no?
Literally the same shit as during the war against work from home.
Hey look, they are more productive, get their work done faster, don't have to spend 10% of their life commuting, and have more freedom. OUTRAGEOUS!
(Only this time there's no actual productivity boost, but they're still preemptively mad?)
I can't get over how absolutely awful everything and everyone involved is here.
The terrible Windows kernel, the awful MSFT practices, the horrible engineering decisions, and the propretiary AntiVirus market that shouldn't exist as it is an afront to everything good and beautiful in this world. People who shouldn't be trusted with a soft cushion out of concern that they'd wreck havoc, but vested with so much real power they can bring down airports, hospitals, half of the global infrastructure to a screeching halt.
We should be suing Bill Gates' parents for damages their frivolous decision to bear children caused.
searches for who tf this is
Lol, this is the most passive-aggressive way of saying "known for absolutely nothing of value to anyone or anything" I've seen.
Sam Bankman-Fried funded a group with racist ties
Ye, I know.
Not that one.
Not that one either.
Jesus christ, how many of them are there??
You also definitely shouldn't be using String non-monotonic UUIDs for primary keys in a database, like, literally ever, but what the fuck do I know, I just do databases for a living, I'm not the all-knowing GPT code wizard.
Why are you posting stills of Man in the High Castle to sneerclub, I don't get it
Surely the task of reviewing something written by an AI that can’t be blindly trusted, a task that basically requires you to know what said AI is “supposed” to write in the first place to be able to trust its outpu, is bound to always be simpler and result in better work than if you sat down and wrote the thing yourself.
This is only semi-related but.
When I quit Microsoft last year they were heavily pushing AI into everything. At some point they added an automated ChatGPT nonsense "summary" to every PR you opened. First it'd edit the description to add its own take on the contents, and then it'd add a review comment.
Anyone who had to deal with PR review knows it can be frustrating. This made it so that right of the bat you would have to deal with a lengthy, completely nonsensical review that missed the point of the code, asked for terrible "improvements", or straight up proposed incorrect code.
In effect it made the process much more frustrating and time-consuming. The same workload was there, plus you had to read an equivalent of a 16-year-old who thinks he knows how software works explain your work to you badly. And since it's a bona fide review comment, you have to address it and close it. Absolutely fucking kafkaesque.
Forcing humans to read and cleanup AI regurgitated nonsense should be a felony.
Turns out being a fucking sociopath is a good indicator of reoffence, who would've thinkity thunked.
Give him 50 years of being forced to talk to a normal person that swats him in the head with a newspaper every time he says "expected value", we can rehabilitate this boy.
Hey mate, did you get your PhD or a fucking Nobel in linguistics by any chance? No? Just talking about shit you apparently have no idea about?
I didn't even know you could be a crank about linguistics, that's pretty amazing. What other otherwise really boring fields are you going to tackle, geodesy?