Hmm, looks like France and Germany are each smaller than Texas. Didn’t realize that.
When I’m home it is usually my wife that notices first. That said, when I’m away from home I almost immediately notice any issues. My self hosted services are the backend for almost everything I use. Just need to find a decent replacement for GoodNotes on iOS.
Personally, I use Gitea. My needs are simple though and I probably don’t use 99% of what it can do.
I largely stopped using Reddit,so….. Can’t say I care.
I willing to give them the same cost of living increase I got this year. It was about $800. I think that’s fair.
Sustainably? They don’t (mostly). Most are either pet projects, paid for out of pocket by the instance owner or run off donations. Neither are particularly sustainable long term, with rare exceptions like
The SDF runs just about every federated service you can think of, and has done so since the 1980s, run almost entirely off donations. Started as a dialup BBS (still active).
Not a new question. When I first got into Linux every one was asking “How can we get everyone to dump Windows and use Linux instead?” I long ago got tired of hearing about THIS year being the year of the Linux Desktop.
The answer is the same in both cases. Make it default, because most people don’t really care so long whatever is default does what they need it to do. Add in the network effect GitHub has and things would have to get incredibly bad before everyone would switch.
The reason everyone uses Windows? Because “everyone” uses Windows. Why does everyone use GitHub? Because “everyone” uses GitHub. Both have become the default. That would have to change.
And at least in my case, shipping got faster once I canceled my prime. Lol. Fast shipping had been the only reason I had signed up in the first place.
There is no substitute for a real doctor. You can get a second opinion from someone else. And should.
That said I think is fairly reliable source for information.
If it is something that can be remotely diagnosed, you might try
Sorry, couldn’t help…. This meme just popped in my mind!
Umm.. Florida, I’m not entirely sure you can do that. I think you have to honor other States documents.
Personally, I think yes, it is worth it, However your friends bookkeeper might shit a brick. Building up IT infrastructure from the ground up is not cheap. Although storage cost is coming down.
Seriously, running with Google and company will be cheaper in the short term. What you can potentially gain doing it yourself however is resilience from catastrophic 3rd party events. If your not dependent on a third party for your IT infra, it doesn't matter what they do, or don't do. For a recent example: