Takes a really sick mind to stab a child. Guy needs to spend the rest of his life behind bars
Sounds like this will be a serious problem for scaling Lemmy if more users start to adopt it
At least it's hypothetically possible to create with less net carbon impact than fossil fuels. It still has a long way to go, but we've got to invest in things that aren't practical right now if we ever want aviation to decarbonize.
Well, tankies are pretty good at eating their own, even when they agree on 99% of stuff.
This comment is the perfect example of how everything goes to shit in this world. It should be in a museum.
The part where it's two horrible headlines about Texas in a row har har har
How much data will they be taking from sites that use this?
To build on this, the oceans absorb carbon from the air. As we remove CO2 from the ocean that differential becomes higher and more CO2 comes out of the air.
Will be funny to watch him crumble at the first moderately critical question
In the 21st century, there will be wars to give Toledo to other states.
Why is anyone still on there?