- Everything we've tried from there has been good. The blueberry pancake recipe is great (and also works as waffles)

Also check out your library. Few years ago we got a ton of books and just copied a bunch of recipes that sounded good. Still trying new things from that because we found a lot of favorites.

[-] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It's the result of the meme factor that both groups will self identify themselves. It's the age old joke of "how do you know someone [is/does] Z"? (They'll tell you)

Doesn't bother me though

Alright I'll try calling my SO agavendicksaft. If you never hear from me again then you know what happened

Plant- based is literally worthless. It's just marketing fluff. You can have a plant-based stew with rocks, sand, or meat in it. The BSI definition would say this isn't plant-based but plant-based its not a protected term. Also even with the BSI definition it can still contain less than 5% meat derived ingredients which is not vegan. Aka worthless

Same, long day and took too long to read it right lol

The post is about the other silk-- the natural fiber that is harvested by killing silk moths.

The soy milk has at least some vegan flavors

I lead similarly with "i love animals" and then i watch to see how much cognitive dissonance they have


joined 3 weeks ago