Also Mozilla: "You're not 'buying data' as most people understand the term. You're exchanging information for currency or other services."
Public worker rights are being held up to the same low standard as private workers.
Labor is labor, support your comrades.
Its not the nuts/oats but an (emulsifier?) additive they use in all of them. Actual coconut milk/cream is fine but not from a carton as 'milk'.
I do, its the only way.
Though coffee shops are getting smarter and making it with oat milk... without letting people know. Now I know why you tell anyone and everyone about your allergies.
I am allergic to all of them :(
Someone else wrote your documentation?
They were recently on yepowertripping pretending to be an ally, just an awful person.
Hey! I thought I had it this week.
There are two intepretations of the color of the kettle, shiny which is removed from the original expression and black(ened).
The expression is usually best thought of as a kettle calling the pot black because it is burnt on the bottom from being on the fire and the pot points out that the kettle is also blackened - it just cannot see that about itself.
I have always seen the expression less as a statement on hypocrisy/whataboutism and more needing understand your own sense of self before that of others.
The person sending the meme is the one that is saying pot-kettle-black.
You know the necron is a woman because she has boobies.
Organic maps is so good
This is the anarchy meme space, and its cleary doing a good job at being it haha