So, journalists are a threat to them?
Damn, you good
Ok, was ist mit ihnen passiert? Das letzte was ich glaube ich mitbekommen habe involvierte einen Trip durch Berlin mit Schubkarre und Drogen.
Seems a Bit nsfw for me
I can hear this picture
Between this picture and the picture of the Brits in dresses operating the cannon. I think men used to dress up way more then we are made to belive.
Can you please link the source Video for that?
Yeah (thats what war is usually about)
DIN stands For Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for standartisation) and they are a Set of guidelines and regulations for nearly everything. So If you for example buy a Din certificated screw from one manufacturer it will have at least the same propperties as one with the same DIN certificat from another manufacturer.
Having such a system of certification makes live much more easy and safer for everyone involved.
Edit:been corrected about the name
Jetzt wo du es sagst....