This seems like it could fuck up the brain
Ah yes, basic functionality that should've been there from the beginning (I use arch btw)
no way this is real
The floor is lava
Not optimal, but using Waydroid on Linux, Android apps feel almost like they run natively (no need to start a emulator manually).
this gave me ligma
Oh my zsh?
I don't think the bricks are that old. Maybe a few hundred years or so
"Steuerlast für Besserviedende senken" zweimal?
When you realize that you don't have to reply to a person on the internet, then you are truly free
the city itself is really safe(?)
As long as you are no protester
joined 1 year ago
Since I haven't seen him mentioned, Michael Stevens aka Vsauce, great Philosophy and science YouTuber.
Sadly only makes like 2 videos a year :/
But his older videos are all still very good watches, I love to rewatch them.