It's an amazing vessel. If it ever comes to Southampton I hope to be able to visit. Source: work for Prysmian and it's cool to see us "in the wild" like this ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚

We live a mile from Carfest so I'm doing my best not to be annoyed by literally everything about it.

Otherwise, over to friends for a wedding celebration this afternoon, pottering in the sewing shed and visiting my folks tomorrow. Monday getting the house tidied for house sitters coming at the end of the week ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Driving up from Winchester to Edinburgh today, Seeing friends tonight and then the Tattoo tomorrow evening. It's been about (mumblemumble) years since I saw it at the age of 6 or 7. Forecast is a bit pants though so waterproof layers will be the order of the day!

Was staying in a hotel on a work trip. We arrived late, tired, busy day ahead. The bed was made up with the sheets all stupidly tight and I didn't yank them off as normal but got in and fell asleep. I never sleep well the first night in a new place, I obviously turned over in the night and my foot was pinned by the sheet.

Was a fun few days trying to coordinate a conference while unable to walk.

Sprained my ankle lying in bed. On my own.

[-] 11 points 1 year ago

It is in farmland, but it's also smack next to one of the country's major arterial routes to the southwest, and a two-lane road (one lane in each direction) at that. So the traffic buildup at peak season can lead to terrible delays. Add to that the gawpers who slow down to look at it, the coaches and tourists and it's just always been an absolute nightmare. If you ever find you might need to be on the a303 in that area after 4pm on a Friday or Sunday in the summer, change your plans.

A short term and way cheaper potential alternative would be putting up the green fencing you see alongside airports - make it Impossible to see the stones from the road and you'll solve a good deal of the problems.

This has been going on for decades and will likely go on for a few more. I dont think this is the best use of money when half the country is wondering how they're going to pay the mortgage next month.

[-] 10 points 1 year ago

Yep, I signed up, was ok for a day or so and now it's just an unmanageable stream of bs.

Wil be removing myself as soon as I can see that I can do that without deleting my IG account.

[-] 10 points 1 year ago

I use outlook at work but again it's more about the process.

My inbox is my "to do" list. I have lots of folders and subfolders and I file everything. Once a day I try to take a few minutes to file stuff that's been dealt with.

I do also file some "sent"mail too as I'm kinda CYA cautious like that.

I get a bit stressed if my inbox gets to the point where I have to scroll down through it - that tells me I need to delegate, file or close out some items.

Some people never file anything and just use the search function in whatever email client they're in, but I'm a bit old and never had that function in the early days so it doesn't come naturally to me - an inbox with 20,000 messages in it just freaks me out.

I also use the conversation function which keeps everything tied together regardless of which folder it's in.

Trial and error. You don't have to stick to a routine or method - if it's not working for you, change something until it does.


joined 1 year ago