Neil banging out the tunes (discuss.tchncs.de)

The romulan attempt was in S5E24 "The next phase" so it was before "Pegasus" which is in season 7

They are not making it themselves, that is done by C Prompt Games, Paradox is only the publisher. They have published turn-based games in the past, like Age of Wonders 4, but i am not aware of a turn-based game developed by them.

From tumblr (64.media.tumblr.com)

There was the episode with Scotty in TNG (Relics) where there was indeed the problem of the pattern of the person who was in the buffer with him degrading, but that was over decades (2294-2369), while M'Bengas daughter was in the pattern buffer significantly less time. She was also rematerialised from time to time and it was noted that not doing so risked the integrity of the pattern, which contributed to the issue seen in the TNG episode.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Crusader Kings 3. So it's either a time travel episode or something like those "planet closely resembling a period of earth history" episodes in TOS. Considering there are no records of Tomàs the wise, king of Ireland and Aquitaine, probably the latter.

Fox_irl (64.media.tumblr.com)
Trans woman in 1955 (discuss.tchncs.de)

Started using a waterpick because of this post.


Another thing that contributes to that accidental teaching not to run away is that many powerful creatures are too fast to run away from. When going through the most threatening enemies i had faced in Pathfinder, all of them were faster than my character, even though it had a feat that increased speed. The narrow passage is one good solution for those cases, though it might feel contrived if used too often.

Dog time (cdn.discordapp.com)

I got Backpack Hero. Played the demo on itch.io last year and i enjoyed it back then so i already planned on buying it at some point, and seeing it on sale gave me the push to actually do that. And this newer version is good, some mechanics like the curse system have been improved and obviously this version has more content.

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