Already done most of those, whatsapp is the hardest to replace for me from this category.
I’m using proton myself and have still continued to do so after these news. I kinda disagree that the founder is necessarily in any way maga or even a republican support just because he expressed praise for republicans on one particular issue. I think that’s taking it a bit too far, unless I’ve missed something where he clearly endorses Trump or his views more broadly.
Thanks, great reply! Strong argument overall, maybe the only major disagreement here is with nuclear energy. Here in Finland electricity is some of the cheapest in Europe and while it’s not entirely due to nuclear that is a key factor for us in self-reliance and energy security especially when you’re going down the renewable road, because you do need some kind of a stable backbone for days where solar and wind just don’t produce enough, at least until there are better storage options. There’s a huge need to optimize the energy mix with renewables because it’s unsustainable to have these massive price fluctuations currently and I don’t see many solutions currently that have more potential than Nuclear, especially if we can make SMR’s a reality. I am of course aware also that Nuclear by itself definitely isn’t a cheap way to produce electricity, but I believe especially SMR’s and other advancements can do a lot there.
Have already replaced basically all US software products for personal use. Unfortunately work related stuff can't be boycotted yet, but hopefully we can see an improvement there too ASAP. Hardware still from Apple, but will once it becomes time to replace it I will definitely switch to a HMD phone.