If it wasn't for HA the israelis would be colonizing Lebanon and taking what they want like they are doing in Syria in the Golan and beyond. The plan for these fanatics is Eretz Israel and the "Arabs" can just move to Saudi or wherever as Netanyahu made clear in his Channel 14 interview last week.
Last time israel occupied the South HA gave them a beating until they left. Like it or not HA represents the Shia. The Sunnis are betraying their country and their people so they can kiss the colonial ring like the Hashemites in Jordan. The Christians are just Muslim hating psychos.
There will never be peace while Zio fanatics run a fascistic jewish supremacist genocidal regime. Palestine needs to be unified with equal rights for all.
Also I'd add that HA was exonerated by the special tribunal for Hariris murder.
The Lebanese government is being pressured by US and it's genocidal colony "israel' to dictate which planes can land in their own country.
Unless you're Israel, the US are backstabbers at the best of times.
Hey democracy may be dying but at least Israel is still getting billions and billions of dollars.
Just worth pointing out that Hamas was democratically elected in 2005 and the US and the West threw a hissy fit which led to the never ending siege of Gaza.
Democracy only applies when you vote for who the Americans want.
Based on the smirking Vampire Matt Miller, the US would be "concerned" and would be "looking into that"
We should have listened when Khomeini called the US the great Satan.
The government chooses the board of trustees.
Cope harder Zionist. Your apartheid colony is a bust