Do you have a source on that dual citizenship claim? If you look at how they are treated even in Sweden, can you imagine forcing them to move back to the neighboring states where many of them came from?
Israeli politics are shitty and they are comitting war crimes but but lets be honest, jews are not safe anywhere else than perhaps the US. Having them move or just giving up their own country is no better than forcing the US to give back their country to the native americans. We are living in the now and most israelis are born in israel and are not responsible for what is happening there. The only good solution is to have two states, everything else will result in further conflict.
Here is the official statistics of hate crimes in sweden. Antisemitic 4% of total and islamophobic is 8%. However there are around 800000 with a muslim background although only around 230000 are registered with a mosque organized by the major islamic umbrella organization. The same number for jews are 20000 and 6000 active in a congregation. So we have 40 times more muslims, meaning you are 20 times more likely to be a victim of an antisemitic hate crime.