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Hab die Info im Artikel nicht gefunden, aber woher kommen die Gänse? Wurden Sie importiert oder sind Sie einfach (wie einige Arten) durch die Klimaerwärmung nun weiter nördlich zu finden als zuvor? Beim 2. ist doch der Abschuss komplett hirnlos, dann werden diese Gänse doch jedes Jahr wieder kommen und man kann doch nicht einfach versuchen alle Tiere jedes Jahr zu erschießen, das kann doch garnicht funktionieren
Korrekt, nur Menschen können sich entscheiden von welchen Lebewesen sie sich ernähren, nicht aber keine Lebewesen zu konsumieren.
I am really suprised that this government does this after building success on xenophobia.
even though i have not played it with 2, i am certain that is works well with two since i play it solo a lot and that is similar. The game works by emulating the missing players to have 3 using the house haggal deck (i use the dire wolf app, since i find it easier). So a 2 Player game is a 3 player game with 1 automated opponent.
Not yet, i‘ll try to keep my patience until the base game becomes boring, and to me immorality sounds more interesting than ix, but i guess i‘ll have both someday
My recommendations would be karak as an introduction to dungeon crawlers, ice cool for dexterity, stone age junior for the memory advantage of kids and king domino as the next step
To chime in here, we bought Dragomino for similar reasons, found it really boring and went with king domino, which is playable for a 5 year old that has some experience with Board games. Since all info is public the parents can give advice when the child gets stuck or tries to place a tile wrong. Our son did pick it up really fast (ymmv).
Yes, my son started at 5 1/2 but you could go lower, since it is coop, you play with the children and can help them. It‘s also a good entry to counting. Dice roll + weapon strength etc.