[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 9 points 10 months ago

En nyt edes tiedä onko tämä nyt niin poikkeavaa. Kyllä tällaisella meiningillä saa niissä tietyissä piireissä pisteitä ja sen rinkirunkkausporukan nousemaan barrikaadeille taas jälleen kerran puolustamaan Mestaria tai mitä ikinä. "Ai ai voi voi kun minua nyt sorretaan auttakaa veljet" ja se toimii. Tiettyyn porukkaan ainakin. Valitettavasti. Halla-aho kyllä tuntee yleisönsä.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Eating crust first is a war crime.

To me it's like eating your least favorite candy in a mixed bag first - you're left with the best part last. You have to leave just a bit of it so you can still grab it.

E: Also, if you eat all the crusts last they usually go dry and hard instead of nice and warm when you eat them first or as you go along. Depends on whether the dough is good really.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Exactly, tons of things have been born from, as Bob Ross would say, "happy little accidents". I always highly encourage everyone to learn to, at least sometimes, embrace the mistakes and accidents that happen. Random accidents and chance are great spearheads for innovation and inspiration and can make something unique.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 7 points 1 year ago

Goddamn it now I want a couch with pockets. For snack, beer/cup holder, all kinds of tiny things. I'd never have to leave again.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 9 points 1 year ago

It's insane how abruptly things went from "Don't share any information, online, especially anything personal" to "You must be a suspicious person or a criminal if you're not on the net with your real name, face and everything about your life" in the advent of Facebook et al.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 7 points 1 year ago

That's easy: the mix of puke, stomach acid, bits of whatever you last ate and the last couple of drinks and beer/wine you had, because you're damn sure not wasting that precious alcohol!

Another one: the room temp leftovers of all the beers and other drinks from the night/weekend poured into a pint when you're cleaning up. The Hangover Special! Yummy. Bonus points if there's a cigarette/joint butt in there somewhere that you fish out because you didn't notice someone had used that can as an ashtray. Delicious!

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 10 points 1 year ago

TIL flipping pages has no sound

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Led Zeppelin stayed roughly the same, but they had all kinds of influences mixed in from the start to sustain their sound and not get tired.

High on Fire to an extent. Matt Pike is an absolute riff machine and it seemed like every album up til sobriety was just a banger of an album after the other.

Primus I kind of think too, just because they have a very unique sound due to Les's Residentsy vocals and his bass style.

The Smiths? The Fall! Sonic Youth as well. Elliott Smith.

I think it kind of depends on how much you allow and what you see as their sound. You can always find examples and some difference in sound, but for many bands and artists it's more song to song or even producer dependent.

Hell I'd chuck in a band like Kyuss as well, most post-Kyuss projects John Garcia was involved with still sound like Kyuss because he was a massive part of the sound, listen to Slo Burn or Unida and tell me you don't hear Kyuss.

A lot of artists change more drastically, like you can tell if some song is by Nick Cave, but there's a huge difference from album to album, where as The Birthday Party though kind of had a specific sound they stuck to as well even if they explored it a little.

Ooh and Judas Priest in a big way, Motörhead too to an extent.

Good question!


[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It didn't seem like a lot of younger people acknowledged anything, even the blatant casual racism some of them blurted constantly. They were shocked when I said all the racism is weird to experience and witness. Sure it was extra apparent as a white guy in an Asian country and a foreign culture, often being the target of it, but most didn't exactly speak highly of Koreans or Chinese, or white people, or black people...

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 8 points 1 year ago

I'm from a country where we have no fucking sunlight half the year, and seriously, reflectors etc are a must and we have halfway decent infrastructure for biking. So many people injure and cripple themselves or get killed, just because a driver couldn't see them. Remember, a ton of drivers are not just assholes, they're idiots. Half of them are on the phone or doing shit on their phone or focusing on anything other than driving. It's no more noble to die by an idiot than an asshole.


Tullut tässä jonkun vuoden verran satunnaisina unettomina öinä metsästettyä yhtä vanhaa, jonkun MikroBitin tai vastaavan cd:llä tullutta free/shareware peliä ihan tekoälyn avulla löytymättä. Vaan nytpä löyty ja löytyy vielä Internet Archivesta. We Got Explosives 2.

Varmasti monelle ysärillä kasvaneelle/pelanneelle tutun Mine Bombersin tapainen ja tyylinen peli, jota tuli penikkana jauhettua sisarusten kanssa niin paljon, että se jostain muistisuikeroista on vuosikymmenien jälkeen kaivautunut vaivaamaan niinkin paljon, että sitä piti nostalgiapärinöissä metsästää kissojen ja koirien kanssa. Vihdoin se tosiaan sitten löytyi Wikipediasta: Luettelo suomalaisista shareware ja freewarepeleistä, joka olikin melkoinen nostalgiapulahdus.

Monta "klassikkoa" jota on kavereiden kanssa hakattu räkänokkina aivan älyttömät määrät tunteja. Areena 5 (josta löytyy jopa vielä ilmeisesti kehitettävä mobiiliversio), Death Rally, Porrasturvat, Tapan Kaikki, Wings ja Triplane Turmoil joiden en edes tajunnut olevan suomalaisia. Ihme että Koiratappelua ei luettelosta löydy, siinä meni näppäimistön riittävyys joskus melko tiukille. Myös semmonen ulkomainen velhopuzzleilu kuin Lurid Land jäänyt mieleen jonka joku vuosi sitten etsinkin pölyttymään jonkun kovon nurkkaan odottamaan pelaamista.

Onko muilla mitään suosikkeja tai nostalgiapärinöitä näiltä Mikrobitin ja muiden ilmaisjakelupeleistä/demoista?

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 8 points 1 year ago

Make sure you haven't accidentally blocked it. You can find blocked users and communities in the settings

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