
joined 1 month ago

If only we used civil asset forfeiture on this tractor.

I suspect there will be a sharp divide of the military if they were ordered to deploy within the US. And with that, probably some military hardware.

There will be insurgent forces throughout all 50 states. And probably disconnected. It will be like hydra. A lack of organization across the entire country could be a benefit as the military would have so many groups to deal with.

No one is the bad guy in their own story.

Morality isn't black and white. Anything that happens has good and bad. Personally, I believe that many can't understand the balance of side effects with the greater good. It's something doctors literally have to balance every day. Every medication and treatment has side effects and risks. Even taking Tylenol. So they have to balance "this vaccine might cause x" with "but this will keep the kid alive and a kid with x is still better than a dead kid."

But I'm sure they could say the same about me. If Musk really believed their was fraud and waste in government. The pain and suffering of those he is firing and those who are being hurt by his policies are the side effects. In his mind, he thinks he's the good guy. He thinks what he is doing is the "right thing" from his perspective.

I would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't believe the government should efficient and without fraud and waste. But since it's literally filled with people who believe that, it's far more efficient than certain media portray it as.

In regards to you leaving work early or calling off, if your world view taking care of yourself is doing the right thing. And sometimes you need to "do something wrong" like leaving work early in order to do the right thing like taking care of yourself.

The government shouldn't be run as a business. That's a lie that's been told to us for far too long. How many people hate their jobs? Do people really want to hate being a citizen as well?

I firmly believe Government is a collective tool to take care of it's citizens. It's to protect them from individuals who want to hurt and take advantage of them. To protect them from foreign actors who want to influence and hurt them. To take care of their medical problems. To take care of their security, such as housing and food. To provide them with the collective infrastructure their daily lives need, like roads, water, electricity, trash services, and gas. To take care of their education. To create a fair playing field giving everyone an opportunity to achieve their dreams.

I don't believe that capitalism cannot be a part of that. But it cannot be unbridled and unregulated. Private businesses have literally no obligation or incentive to provide a service or good if they can get money without doing so. They have no incentive to provide it cheaply. Their only incentive to being efficient is so that the people at the top can make more.

If governments take that approach, the people at the top like the President are the ones who get more money. And we the citizens, the employees, are used and abused.

Paying taxes, in my opinion, should be a source of pride. You should be able to look around at the roads, ambulances, parks, playgrounds, hospitals, and schools and say "I did that." You should look at your neighbor smiling and say "hell yea, I helped them."

Will some people try and take advantage of a government like that? Yea, of course. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't help the 99% of those that need it to keep 1% of people defrauding us. We should identify ways people do, find ways to single them out and address them. And even if someone gets away with it, I believe that is worth it so the other 99% are taken care of.

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago

Some days, I am tempted to go back to playing eve. Ive got some good memories.

[–] 22 points 1 day ago (3 children)

In my own house, or just myself. Jellyfin is fine. I haven't spent as much time on it though compared to Plex.

Plex has its own user auth, I don't need to manage that. My friends and family don't have to hit me up for password resets.

It has apps on pretty much every device.

Users can just log in. They don't need to know what server to type in.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

DRM. They don't like how open Linux can be so to combat people using it for pirating their content the companies restrict it.

For instance, Netflix is capped at 720p on Linux unless you are on Opera, apparently.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (8 children)

I have a 200+TB library for my Plex and jellyfin instances. The Roku was just a family friendly launcher and remote. I bought them when you could still disable ads in the secret menus and most of the Roku BS is blocked by a pair of piholes, but I've gotten annoyed chasing new urls to blacklist.

It's DRM for the other app bullshit that becomes a hindrance for going the Kodi route. There really isn't a good alternative that I've found. Linux boxes will limit some services to 720p and jt's mostly baseball and local news programs that I'll lose.

For the news, I need to look at something like hdhomerun or something else I can pair with an OTA antenna.

For baseball, not much other than the absolute mess that live streaming sports is. Doable, sure. But a pita and sketchy last I looked into it. My season ticket comes with, but the irony is that I'm "in network" so all my teams games are blacked out for me. I had previously created a VPN tunnel and routed one of my Rokus to a different state to watch it. But it's not a user friendly experience.

For games, I already have a batocera box running on an old dell thin client with way more power than a pi, and it has Kodi on it. But the UI/UX still sucks.

[–] 32 points 2 days ago (10 children)

I have a Roku ultra in my kid's room.

I do not want her subjected to ads when she turns on the TV.

This is unacceptable to me and I will be replacing all my Rokus immediately.

When my girlfriend moved in, she had a big TCL Roku TV its software absolutely sucks. But it would keep a blinking led on ALL THE TIME if it wasn't connected to wifi.

I put it on my iot network, and I'm considering null routing it.

I actually had a Roku box plugged into it since it had a better experience, but I'm probably going to switch that to a Nvidia shield pro because of this ad bullshit.

I know it's being lazy. But if you have the regex you could post, I'd appreciate it.

I had this happen to me just a few days ago. Within the hour I bought an Nvidia shield and came up with a plan to install the projectivy launcher and button remapper.

I'm mostly happy, it's much more snappy but it's missing a couple apps I used on the Roku (WGN and Marquee Sports). At least I can use my own pictures for the background and screensavers.

Yes, but it's also like saying that someone in London should go to Moscow to deal with Putin. And that is STILL HALF the distance from where I live to Washington DC where these fucks are dismantling my country.

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