If you're forced to watch ads to watch the video, it's not free unless your time is worthless. Although, ads on YouTube videos can be circumvented. Thereby practically free.
The amount of effort he puts into practically free videos on the internet is amazing.
When a state is annexed, the people who will lose out the most will be the people who own property which is enforced through the laws of that state. Dying to protect greedy bastard's property from other greedy bastard is not in my interest. The greedy bastards can send themselves and their own family to protect their property.
It's using trump's logic for something he's against
I'm all for better climate policy, but "because peaceful protest doesn't work" is a pretty bad justification. My peaceful protest to mandate wearing a colander in public won't work, but that doesn't mean that violent protest is justified.
Equating the climate crisis to forcing people to wear a colander is beyond braindead.
While the surface level story of severance is annoying since it doesn't like to give answers (so far), it also criticizes workplace culture and work in general which makes it satisfying to me.
Memory and storage aren't synonymous
If you want to consistently block ads, you can't use a chromium based browser since they don't support ublock origin
Sorry, but usa is indeed very much more evil than most other countries. E.g. overthrowing democratically elected leaders in other countries, committing war crimes, taking the side of other countries invading others, etc. All countries are not equally bad and usa is one of the worst, especially with Trump in power.
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