She prefers she/her iirc :)
Eh, still better than the Tories. Supermajority begins the process of dragging the overton window back left, which I'm all for
To add, this is not a hypothetical; it has real world consequences. When I was at uni, there was a queer night at the college bar. One of the guys there went off at my friend because my friend was in a straight relationship and had turned up. My friend got upset and left. My friend is bisexual, and at the time wasn't out and was taking baby steps into the queer scene.
If you heavily police who is and isn't allowed at queer nights, you bar those that benefit from it most: those who aren't already a part of a queer community, and looking to test the waters.
Not only that, but you end up making cishet passing queers feel unwelcome and uncomfortable. Questioning or early transition trans people already have vanishingly few spaces where they can feel welcome and, crucially, safe, without having to worry about whether they'll have their validity picked at by the Gay Police TM. Aces also have their validity questioned a lot too, which is cringe.
Bottom line: don't try to police who is and isn't allowed in queer spaces.
Writing it out,
Bxd8 Bxf2
Ke2 (only move) Bg4#
Since the king is in check and the light squared bishop covers f3, the dark squared bishop covers e1 and e3, the knight covers d2 and f2, and the rest are blocked by white's pieces
Shlonkin the Lord silly
And yet the doctor tells me I have to stop snorting jizz because it's "bad for my lungs". Like, ok narc smh
Or even athlete's face
The suffragettes put acid in postboxes, chained themselves to railings, and bombed the Chancellor of the Exchecquer's house.
There are plenty of reasons a disabled person could exist in a fantasy setting. A transaction, giving something up for power (e.g. Odin). A curse from an enchanter, that they do not have the power to remove. A religious superstition around those that have had accidents befall them (that it is the will of their god). Or even simply the fact that a number of common people may not be able to afford the services of a cleric (for a villager in the mountains, a journey to the city to have their paralysis cured may be beyond what they can manage).
Fig wasps pollinate the fig, but die in the process. The benefit to the wasp is that as they die they lay their eggs in the fig, which then have a safe space to grow and then burrow out of the fig before it reaches maturity.
"The fig wasp’s life cycle is typified in the caprifig (Ficus carica sylvestris), a wild, inedible fig. Wasps mature from eggs deposited inside the flowering structure of the fig, called the syconium, which looks very much like a fruit. Inside the completely enclosed syconium are the individual flowers themselves. When a wasp egg is deposited in one of the flowers, that flower develops a gall-like structure instead of a seed. The blind, wingless male wasps emerge from the galls and search out one or more galls containing a female, and upon finding one, he chews a hole in the gall and mates with her before she has even hatched. In many cases, the male then digs an escape tunnel for the female. The male then dies, having spent its entire life within the fig. The female emerges later from her gall and proceeds toward the escape tunnel or the eye of the fig (the part opposite the stem end), because she must deposit her eggs in a second fig. In departing, she passes by many male flowers and emerges covered with pollen. During her brief adult life (as short as two days), she flies into the forest to fertilize another fig and deposit another generation of fig wasps."
Hehe horny