I read that so wrong initially, I thought it said "Texans plan to remove stadium, not build new one" and I was like well that's one way to force a team move. Then I read the article and felt dumb lol
Different strategies, same endgame. Focusing on semantics doesn't stop monsters.
Arguing whether fascist oligarchs are somehow radically than historically correct fascist is a waste of time and energy.
People doing Nazi salutes in Trump gear are just the modern day equivalent of Germans Nazi citizens in the 30s & 40s. It just says Maga instead of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei .
If it looks like a Nazi And acts like a Nazi It's a Nazi.
Trump shirt + Nazi salute = Nazi.
I was trying to upload a screenshot, but app kept saying error, I didn't realize post actually went through till now cause I told app to discard.
Was banned by u/reddit cause I said this lady deserved to be punched in face. Woke up to a permanent ban after appealing ban and suggesting they were Nazi sypathizers.
I don't want a remedy, I want to burn down the Nazi sypathizers platform.
I tried, got an error every time, didn't even realize the post went through
This is the picture that I said deserved to be punched in the face
I actually tried to post the screenshot, I didn't even realize the post went through cause I got an error every time I hit submit
That is the lady I said should have been hit in the face
Had to scroll entirely too far to find FD.
Not based in reality just based on your sicko mindset. Go gargle trumps balls and fuck off.
I hope he gets it live on TV
Nostalgia, mostly I'd guess. It was on all the time on TNT for years and I think we watched it so much that it became ingrained in us that it was great.