[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 5 points 21 hours ago

Maybe ask a mort local community instead of people from around the world. The variation is huge within the US but its even bigger among lemmy users.

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 19 points 1 day ago

Russia is the new north korea

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 31 points 3 days ago

In Ohio they are eating the immigrants in the streets!

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Thanks! I am enjoying it quite a lot actually. The latest update and expedition is about fishing! I guess they are using NMS as a testing platform for their upcoming survival game called Light No Fire.

I like games where i can just do my own thing, try to figure things out and look at pretty stuff. That said, i'm only 90hour into this play so i dont know how well it holds in the long run

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Hump day was originally not a sex thing. It was simply an expression of passing the half mark of the work week and now counting down to the weekend.

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Had turbinoplasty operation today. They remove some bony structure and tissue inside the nose, to ease air passage (in the long run).

The operation went fine but there is quite some bleeding and irritation in the nose area. 2 weeks off work, luckilly with pay. Just taking it easy and planning to add a lot of play hours to my No Mans Sky play time!

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 17 points 5 days ago

The real achievement is being endorsed by the taliban back in 2020

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

Sorry - det er for tidligt og jeg læser kun titler indtil kaffen slår til. Min fejl!

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Det er som om hun ikke kender til socialle medier!

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Jeg har de sidste par måneder sendt 10-12 målrettede ansøgninger skrevet fra bunden hver gang. Jeg er i arbejde og derfor ikke desperat og har derfor mulighed for kun at skrive få, men gode ansøgninger. Jeg skriver kun til dem som jeg virkeligt vil arbejde hos.

Jeg har fået svar fra én

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Det virker nu også underligt at vælgertal skal være motivationen til en lovændring. Det er sådan noget vi er vandt til at kritiserer ulande for!

Edit: der er ikke tale om en lov men en intern regel hos S

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by cosmicrookie@lemmy.world to c/mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world

I asked this company to close and delete my account, and they replied that they have closed it. They use a type of ticket system where you need to log in to their site to see replies.

I wanted to reply, to ask if they also have deleted my data, instead of just closing the account. In order to contact them, they will create a new account SMH


While traveling to a destination, I receive an incoming message to stop because there is something interesting here. I stop, and find half a freighter floating in space. There are no cargo holds (that i can see) to loot, there are no enemies and i can not land on it. What is so special with locations like these? What can/should I do here?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by cosmicrookie@lemmy.world to c/eurovision@lemmy.world

According to the prosecutors of the case, the Dutchman hit the photographer's camera, but it all happened very quickly, and there are doubts as to what exactly happened.

According to SVT, witnesses who have been questioned have stated that they did not watch the incident as threatening.

– Today I have closed the investigation because I cannot prove that the act was intended to cause serious fear or that the man had that intention, says senior prosecutor Frederik Jönsson in the press release.


Not sure what these darker stripes are. They look like submerged timber og logs


How does the nitrogen cycle “survive” large or even 100% water changes? I don’t want to stir up a discussion about what is best, and I understand that we all live in different places were conditions and water quality is different and also that we all choose to keep our fish differently because we thinks its the best for them. Therefore I am simply looking for an explanation on how the idea of regular huge water changes works in practice.

I see recommendations of very large water changes in goldfishkeeping, especially in bare button setups and grooming setups. This is very practical, for systems that are heavily stocked. I also see them have filters in them, and this I can’t really understand, unless they are there only for mechanical filtration.

What stirred up this thought, came from a recent experience where I lost some fish. I had a tub with 10 fry in a tub (90 lit – 20 gal) with fresh tap water (no chlorine or chloramine in our systems here). I added a cycled filter from my main tank. I then added the fry (after acclimatizing them slowly) and I expected this to work well. The fish got a very serious fungal infection within 3-4 days, and I lost most of them.

My theory of what went wrong is, that the cycled filter did not have access to ammonia and nitrite to maintain the bacteria balance, and therefore crashed. The breeder that I got them from, told me that he changes the water daily, but he had approximately 100 fry in a tub that was the same size, so I assumed that a cycled filter would have not issue with keeping up. I fed them 3-4 times a day but very moderate quantities so I did not expect the system to crash like this

So my question is, do very large water changes work, if they are not made often? Don’t larger water changes crash or almost crash the filter in systems that reliant on biological filters? In systems that are reliant on biological filtration, is partial water change not better, to maintain a more balanced filtration performance?


Cheetham Australia (lemmy.world)
Hardware issue (lemmy.world)

Today, i turned on my Mint pc and it wouldn't let me type in a passpowrd. Even the mouse was not reacting.

So i rebooted, got a massive text wall that mentioned something about not syncing

When i rebooted again, it wouldn't start up only a few rotations with the fans and then it restarts and repeats this loop

I assume that this is a hardware issue but what should i be looking into and how do i make the recovery as smooth as possible?


34°22'25.3"S 137°40'23.6"E


I was randomly browsing Google Earth and had drifted into Hungary when I noticed that many plots there, are elongated. They have a short front towards a road, where a house or structure usually is located, but then extend a pretty long way behind that!

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joined 1 year ago