Are lab grown okay, value wise? what about moissante?
I forgot to mention but I live in an area where 220V is the norm.
yeah, I drink like once a month at most these days. maybe that's it.
damn that's a lot of servings. Thanks for all the info with the weights. This will help me a lot
Coming off as a noob here, but how do you actually utilize the debugger.
Mostly working on python stuff in VS Code, sometimes I just run the code and look at the error. Sometimes I try the debug and run option but it acts the same as just running the code; there's some stuff like variables window but I don't know how to utilize the information to debug.
autohide downvoted
Never knew I wanted this but it makes so much sense.
that sounds real cool
I like it, it's just missing some niche communities.
But overall, I get more response in "populated" communities compared to popular subreddits which is neat.
it's an awfully convenient and accessible tool though.
I live in the Philippines and Masa Harina is rare, I could technically buy it but it'd be 5-7x more expensive the corn flour.
What would you recommend?