kbin has this -- the feature is called collections. https://kbin.social/magazines/collections
you can make public ones that others can follow, or private ones to make curated feeds for yourself.
kbin has this -- the feature is called collections. https://kbin.social/magazines/collections
you can make public ones that others can follow, or private ones to make curated feeds for yourself.
Pandora's Box is already opened, unfortunately. The Streisand Effect is only going to make this worse.
What scares me more than the fact that this guy exists are how many people chose to and continue to support him
This is awesome, OP. I've crossposted this to @linguistics to give you a little more visibility. Cheers.
One of my favorite things about /kbin is that it utilizes threads and microblogs. In my experience thus far, users here seem rather shy. I don't hold it against anyone though, because I totally understand.
Federating content from the likes of Mastodon is very helpful for having discussions trickle in from the fediverse. I think it's also really helpful for establishing an ongoing daily discussion space so the thread feed isn't as cluttered. IMO, there's more potential beyond that, too (Think: drawing everyday for a month, photography-based posting/challenges while using tags for content organization, language-learning exercises, the list goes on...).The combination of threads with microblogs has shown me the power that lies behind content federation. As a result, /kbin is by far my favorite of the fediverse platforms so far.
I still have some minor issues with how it currently works. Currently, I believe the name of a magazine causes hashtags with the exact same string to federate content to that magazine. The magazine that matches the desired hashtag also takes priority, even when the hashtag isn't assigned in the magazine's settings. An issue with this is that if any subsequent magazines try to federate content using that hashtag, it won't be able to do so.
It seems as though microblogs can only federate content to either the magazine that matches the hashtag in question, or the magazine that uses the hashtag first. There's also an issue where a microblog that uses multiple hashtags will only federate content to the magazine with the first available tag. E.g. if someone writes an unused tag for the first, followed by #kbinmeta, then #fediverse third, the post would only go to the kbinmeta microblog section. It would be lovely for microblogs to be federated, or even mirrored across magazines (as in child comments/replies) that implement the same tag. Hopefully, this could also be done without adding excessive overhead to Ernest/the server. Perhaps even offer the ability to have a magazine choose to refuse federating tags that match the magazine's name.
There are also some minor issues with moderation federation, but I don't exactly want to specify here, because I'm worried it could be used maliciously.
That being said, I can't wait to see how /kbin will mature.
I've taken care of it. 🙂
I hope things get better; looking forward to the infrastructure and devlog updates as well!
A lot of social engagement through social media is driven by impressions such as up votes, favorites, likes, etc. Unfortunately, an easy way to promote engagement and such lies in rage bait. This is likely due to the visceral emotional response generated by rage baiting. I would also extend this issue to how ubiquitous instant gratification is to the internet and social media. People tend to acquire clout through reacting to something quickly, which isn't always well-thought out. Add in the notion of mob mentality, and you have a recipe for the rapid exponential propagation of negative words, thoughts, and emotions. People also tend to not have productive ways of channeling their frustrations and issues, so they often see other entities on the Internet as just a name, sometimes less than that.
There's also a heavy amount of tribalism across a variety of domains which allows one to take refuge from this rage baiting by finding other like-minded individuals to identify with. In some cases, the stress of everyday life or what have you removes a sense of agency or power in one's life and sometimes people cope with this by developing a sense of superiority through whichever group or ideal that they identify with. This cycle repeats itself until there is a constant battle between any given groups where people attempt to elevate their self-worth by putting those that they dont agree with down, while emphasizing the superiority of their own ideal, IMO. I could be totally wrong ofc. I'm hardly perfect.
It's been a pretty exhausting experience. I'm tired of it as well; my fondness for engaging with people has diminished greatly.
AMD has served me well since I've started actively using Linux.
Even though this is a nice development, I'm pretty disappointed in the resources directed at Linux support. I'm considering dropping Proton soon.
Are you shore?
I'd imagine this will also be very problematic for non-celebrities from all sorts of backgrounds as well. The harassment potential is very concerning.