Ultimately it is difficult to brainwash people against their perceived material interests. People latch on to narratives where the perceived cost going against it is worse than going with it.
"Blame" may end up being an attempt to draw a clean line between a person and their environment where none such exists. If, for example a class of people refuse to support a peoples' self determination and progression then they probably have a vested interest against it, and then attempting to convince the former to against their perceived interests maybe futile.
If you can make a narrative reflecting the truth where the target person could potentially see benefits within the short term and ends up being a material benefit to the cause, then it may be worth it. I just have very little sympathy for those who managed to level up to the very minimum of humanity by being sorry for their participation in war crimes. If they are truly sorry then they can join the resistance* (actual not nominal).
We should be materialists and not based on vibes. Growing up in the west and attempting to shed liberal frameworks is not easy because for a lot of us it goes against our class interests.
(*I don't believe in idealistic nonsense about submitting oneself to some imagined neutral court to be "punished" for said war crimes. Make yourself useful instead.)
The history of all hitherto existing human society is the history of class struggles. - Marx
There were subjugated non-proleteriat classes now and then.
The term class is not something categorically distinct and opposed to gender and nation. Genders and nations are classes for example.
Dominic Losurdo's class struggles is a good one for further reading if interested.