(͡•_ ͡• )
it’s sad, but true.
The only way we are getting a woman in the White House is when MAGA convinces Ivanka to run.
elon musk doenst have a functional penis.
mistakenly got caught is more like it
the entire US government is compromised. Top to bottom it’s seeing the fascism take gold and it’s collectively saying “maybe we SHOULD be the bad guys for a change!”
sounds like the genocide is going well.
this dude’s first call was to his lawyer to see what his marital status was with this
I’ll be seeing this - but i am definitely assuming Keanu is, at best, a cameo.
i, for one, am shocked at this news. Putin is usually such an honest and upstanding global citizen…
it had a good run. better this than to drive it into the ground d.
that’s nice - but like WTF are you gonna DO about it?!?
if these shitheels continue to avoid consequences i see no reason to pay my taxes or follow any laws.
i, for one, am thrilled that “because jesus” will become the catch-all answer to every question in some states.
we are going to be the dumbest nation so quickly.