200 Stab Wounds is the best new band in the death metal scene right now, very closely followed by Frozen Soul, Brat, and Bonginator.
lmao, the same people we are bullying for Greenland?! lmao.
i, for one, am shocked.
Scully on X-Files!
we get it OP, you voted for Stein, congrats on helping Trump!
remember when you were super scared to tell everyone why you thought DOGE was a net positive?
seems like you need a good cry, “grandpa”
I'm not trolling though.
mmhmm. sure jan.
so does that mean you have nothing to do?
i have just as much to do as you
I'm older than your grandparents.
No, you are not.
Why the namecalling?
becuase you need to hear it “grandpa”
I haven't called you any names.
what, are you some kind of snowflake? not very alpha of you to get all bent out of shape here “grandpa”.
This is a conservative news community. I posted a link to a conservative news article. It's what this community is designed for. I don't understand your hostility. Please read the sidebar for what this community is about
cry some more 👍
I'm not suffering at all though.
You’re not suffering … yet.
Let’s get real bro. You’re not a millionaire, and you’re certainly not a billionaire. You’re here trolling on an essentially microscopic social platform because you have nothing to do.
I'm having the best time of my life since the election happened.
We will see how you feel once mom’s medicare and social security are gone, and you’re forced to find a living space of your own.
How would I suffer?
Your Social Security and Medicare benefits are pretty certainly not going to be there for you in 10-30 years when you hope to retire. Just like mine and everyone else.
You’ll be paying more for everything - just like everyone else.
And why would you look forward to someone suffering?! Say what?!
because you’re the sort of asshole to vote MAGA for the meme, bro. it’s not that hard to understand.
you’re just as fucked as the rest of us serfs.
sucks to suck, brotendo