.deb first and then flatpak if not available as on deb repo or if deb version is outdated. Never used appimage or snap. Rpm just as good as deb when I use Fedora. Flatpaks are much larger in size which is why I first go with the deb version.
I don't know what to do with you people.... We both have 5km range left. You plug in the cable juice and I plug in the gas to refuel. Who leaves the station first?
Indeed. And lots of normal human beings are able to run marathon. Pretty easy if you set your mind to.
Use industry software standards. Adobe, Autodesk etc etc. I know, these solutions sucks, but it is the world people live it. Most Lemmy people are into tech for the sake of tech. You are technological literate to the highest degree. Understand and critique developments in tech. Very important work! However, a graphical designer probably isn't that literate and wouldn't be able to do work in a Foss environment. Yes, 1 in a 1000 might use Gimp but good luck colabbing with other people in the industry.
Fun to dig around a bit!!! Hoped to find my old ATi 9700 card from MSI on there, but only found the chip :(
Samme. Bruger #dkmastodon men aner ikke "hvor det sker" på mastodon tbh :S
You could be the fourth but I guess not?
Fedt! Jeg tjekker op på det over weekenden. Laver en opfølgningspost når der sker lidt mere. Ellers pm hvis du tilfældigvis skulle være gået i gang selv 🙂
Nederen. Jeg har fået svar to gange jeg har skrevet til DR.
Tænker at poste samme indlæg på reddit. Ville helst undgå det (fuck reddit) men tror desværre at det bliver nødvendigt hvis der skal samles en stor nok gruppe af utilfredse danskere. Derefter sende DR et svar tilbage bl.a. med nogen jeres gode kommentarer. Må se hvad jeg for tid til i weekenden.
Lader det ikke stoppe ved det skod svar de gav. Måske der skal et læserbrev til i en af de der avis halløj ting.
Just keep doing what you have been doing as far!
For software I would recommend a combination of
- musicbee for library and music management and sync playlists over wifi locally
- maybe combine with mp3tag if you don't like the built in tagger in musicbee. Only reason for me to use mp3tag is to include the style tag from Discogs into the genre field. Not possible with musicbee. If this is not in your interest musicbee's tagger is amazing.
- there are two private trackers focusing on music only. Insane collections. One is very hard to get into. The other is way easier.
- rutracker is also a great source for music
Sorry for the confusion regarding socialist and social democracies. Will have to look more into the difference between the two. Thanks for clearing that up.