I didn't even know you could get prions over the internet!
oh no! the brain injury is worsening! he's lost his understanding of hypocrisy entirely! someone call for a wellness check!
If you are unable to read a paragraph, you need to spend your time getting a referral to speak with a neurologist, not commenting on Lemmy.
Oh sorry, let me help: spend time make plan speak brain doctor, no make mean comment here. danger! brain sick or hurt! make speed!
Chris! Is that a weed‽
Labelling it titty milk will only make me drink more of it
No, biblically.
AI isn't human. Stop pretending it is. AI takes advantage of humans. Your argument is invalid.
Your comment seems loaded with purposefully inflammatory language intended to align AI with groups of actual real people who experience prejudice in the real world instead of corporations who have a vested interest in not paying artists, and brother, as a trans person, it makes you look like a real silly goose.
Cliterion Colrection
This isn't reddit. You don't need to be so mean.
I think the behaviors are the same, so it doesn't really matter. If you would drop the evangelism you would both be far more tolerable.