If they brought a mini pro version it would be a no brainer. I need telephoto and promotion and the island in a small package.
This is the correct answer.
Far from it. Featurewise it is the richest, but it does not feel like home on iOS.
Regarding apps for lemmy I prefer
Avelon Mlem. This one is made with swift has checks all the iOS design guidelines boxes.
Apple Maps hat Tempolimit und Ampel Anzeige , aber noch keine Blitzer Warnung. Insgesamt ist Apple Maps für die Navigation detaillierter als Google Maps, zumindest in München
Taken some controlled, deep breaths and try to distance yourself from the things around you.
Try to see the bigger picture and different perspectives
The less headache for the devs, the better. I fully support this decision
What could be other reasons not to do an audit other than it being shady? Maybe they just don’t want to disclose their algorithm?
So far, I trust it more than WhatsApp.
But Signal is definitely the better choice. It’s just sad the people didn’t go with Signal instead of WhatsApp.
How is it sketchy?
What would be better is to have the old macOS settings layout apply to landscape and big screens (also for iPad) and the list like settings menu for portrait form factors. Responsive design to be brief.
Expertly written, great actors and consistent quality
It always had been good. It’s even better now