What would be your description of what both sides want?
It's so hard to find a neutral observer when on party keeps trying to drag us back to the dark ages. How do you debate people that think a cosmic entity is personally planning out their lives.
That's very privileged of you. I try to protect the next person by reporting.
Walmart CEO definitely relies on taxes, food stamps, WIC, and other programs. ISP CEOs took tax money for Internet upgrades and did nothing. Multiple bailouts for business that they squandered on stock buyback.
My primary and gender surgeons listened to me, but others I think are burned out. I saw Drs, nurses, therapists not listening to me and others and it reminded me of myself when I was in a help desk job for almost 4 years. Like you know 90% of the problems are solved with quick solutions and some assholes are so at the slightest disagreement with how you are fixing the issue you label the customer/patient as an idiot. I had to be humbled by a newbie to see I was jaded. I still try to remember that while I'm not helpdesk anymore, I'm still helping internal teams migrate to docker.
Thanks, good to know.
Ubuntu drama? Don't like snap or something else?
Biological sex*
No idea, was not asked or reported on in article.
Dilating is hard enough right now that I think it kills any desire for me.
I agree, I hold no ill will to non offenders and hope they get help but the posts on there are not about getting help or coping.
Would you say the same about poor people living in the hood?