LGBTQ+ (which you are part of) are deranged.
It is a disorder (even if seen in a number of animal species).
You cannot distinguish between right and wrong (even if seen in a number of animal species).
Those who wants to repent should know that God is loving.
No. Moyses married an Ethiopian.
He was raised in Egypt.
You mean the Dancing Sun of Fatima?
We, just like in the old Testament, we also have prophets. Most prophecies were about the great apostasy.
You are full of half-baked stories.
Italy is barely Catholic now. What are those two beads supposed to represent?
I suggest praying Rosaries instead. It is traditional, and has a lot of indulgences.
Delete all the images on all your devices, and brake all the statues in the law court and on every street.
Catholics pray with things and not to things.
It is better to look at an image of Jesus than to look at a bare wall.
Can we say LGBTQ+ are deranged?
Those who willingly reject God first in this world, will be rejected by Him in the next.
So your body controls you?
You cannot use your will?
New Testament
You picked only two words
You will be judged by God at the end.
Judge just judgement.
The saints will judge the world.
There are others...
Thou shalt not kill.
Is this thread not about what and what not to eat (kill, cook & eat)?
In Maths texts, if we treat BODMAS in chapter 1, we don't copy the entire chapter 1 into chapter 2.
God created all. He will judge all.
Stay, but be quiet.
Ignorance at play again.
Judge not.
Kill not.
Swear not.
You don't just pick two words from the Bible.
We Christians enjoy and are Joyful this Christmas season.
We kill chickens, cows, sheep etc.
You will be judged by God at the end.
Judge just judgement.
Go away, if you don't want to be told the truth.
In the Old Testament, you'll always see genealogies of key persons being discussed to Adam (the first man).
In the New Testament, the genealogy is from Jesus Christ to Adam (in Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts and by Paul I think).
Zeus and Diana (profligate) were humans. But pagans deify their rulers.
Let me make a second post...
The earth is flat because it follows real science.
Globe earth follows pseudoscience.
That is not what flat earthers say.
Nevertheless, it can be symbolic (as you see there are not mountains).
Turtles signify ancient (slow elderly people).
Elephants are strong.
But that is not what flat earthers say.
I am a lion is a metaphor. That doesn't mean I am a lion.
In maths, formulas are very useful.
"Always seek what pleases God in all you do." is my Christmas gift to you.
If you need more, let me know.