[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Not sure where you live, but in central Europe (I live in Germany) you definitely have spiders, harvestmen, mites, millipedes, isopods, slugs, beetles, cockroaches (in my case cute little wood cockroaches), moths (their larvae at least) living inside and around your house. Maybe not directly inside your living room dancing on the table. Although there are some cockroaches that do run around everywhere in my home. But have a look around in your cellar, garage, any spaces that aren't frequently heated or where you store food and you'll find them.

[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 49 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Respekt an die Person, die das Interview mit diesem unsympathischen Typen geführt hat. Aber es ist schon heftig, was der am laufenden Band für eine Scheiße raushaut. Und dann noch dieses über sich selbst sagt:

SPIEGEL: Haben Sie sich als junger Mensch politisch engagiert? Gottschalk: Ich wollte nie die Welt verbessern. Ich bin nie auf die Barrikaden gegangen oder auf Friedensdemos. Ich habe nicht geglaubt, dass etwas anders wird, nur weil ich mich dazu bekenne. SPIEGEL: Wollen Sie mit Ihrem Buch etwas erreichen? Gottschalk: Möglichst viele Exemplare verkaufen. Ich habe es jedenfalls nicht geschrieben, damit die Gesellschaft eine bessere wird. SPIEGEL: Also geht es Ihnen nur um sich? Gottschalk: Es geht mir immer um mich. Jedem Menschen sollte es um sich gehen.


I've never been into torrenting stuff but usually just do streaming via the usual sites (I usually use any site that fmhy recommends). However, I've noticed that most pirate streaming sites have much slower load rates and need a long time to buffer than commercial streaming sites. This often means that I cannot watch an episode in full but have to pause to buffer... As you can tell, I'm a total noob. What can I do to have a nicer experience streaming pirated content?

(And sure, that's probably why people get into torrenting. I already got a raspberry pi that I intent to use for this, but I couldn't find the energy to set it all up yet.)

[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 37 points 6 months ago

Not only the first paper but it apparently was published in nature:


[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 27 points 7 months ago

Yeah, this sounds about right. I think this is why other people (without ADHD) often identify me with only one or two of my special interests instead of the full variety of all those interests. The other day I had to introduce me in a certain setting to someone where everyone had to mention their hobbies as well. I was struggling at first how to cram so many hobbies in a short time or how to prioritize them. Then a friend, who was also there, said to me "Oh, you like to upload pictures on iNaturalist!" This is true, but I did not really feel seen because of all the other hobbies that seem similarly important!

[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 29 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

What kind of response are you expecting? Or is this just a rant/vent? I don't agree with your statement entirely, many people would also want people with NPD, psychopathy or sociopathy to get support. The problem, however, is that it is really hard for most to give people with strong narcissistic or manipulative traits the support they need. Similarly, I also have compassion with pedophiles and wish them the support they need. But obviously I don't want them to be enabled (or even allowed) to follow their sexuality. Same goes for people with narcissistic and manipulative traits. I want them to get support but not be enabled or allowed to hurt or manipulate others.

Recently I stumbled upon this podcast called "The Bright Sessions" where they basically envision neurodivergent people and/or people with mental disorders as having superhuman powers. There also is a character that might fall into your description of people who are not treated with compassion. The podcast really explores what that means and how compassion can look like with a person like that.

ETA: and this comes from a person who has been traumatized over decades by various people with strong narcissistic traits.


(Description: Image of Osmia bicornis (I think) chilling on a leaf and cleaning itself.)

[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 31 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I see your point of trying to help everyone communicate with each other. However, as has been pointed out repeatedly in the last few months, the threat of a 3e strategy (embrace, extend, extinguish) applied by Meta is imo very real and dangerous to the whole fediverse. That's why people want to defederate threads. And when large corporations use their huge userbase to make everyone else's life harder and peer pressure you into joining them then that's on them. I mean, there is a reason we few people are here on the fediverse. For most it's probably making the effort to stay away from those privacy-invading, controlling corporations and create something by the people for the people. I get that it is tempting to be able to reach the masses stuck in platforms like Facebook or Instagram. But this comes with the real threat of destroying what we've build here. Restraining from federation doesn't cost us anything though, as we've already made the decision to get together here in this small community.

[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 33 points 8 months ago

Why not convince people to use Signal as well? Even my family has a group chat on Signal. Of course, it's a slow move with most people sticking to non-open chats. But it's worth the effort I would say.

[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 50 points 8 months ago

Uff, besonders schlimm, wenn die Person sogar vor dem eigenen Zuhause verprügelt wurde. Das nimmt ja dann total das eigene Sicherheitsgefühl :(

Und mal wieder muss die Polizei ganz genau ermitteln ob ganz eventuell ein politischer Hintergrund zur Tat führte. Wenn Linke Wahlplakate abreißen oder Autos anzünden, ist das für die immer glasklar. Aber Nazis, die faschistische Parolen schreiend jemandem verprügeln oder eine Geflüchtetenunterkunft anzünden, könnten ja auch bedauerliche Einzelfälle ohne jeglichen politischen Hintergrund sein...

[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 30 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Hm, ich weiß nicht. Ich hab das Gefühl, sie fällt in ne ähnliche Kategorie wie Sabine Hossenfelder, die auch fachliches Wissen hat und dann versucht, logisch an Probleme heranzugehen, dabei aber oft eigene biases total außen vorlässt. Glaub in Physik oder Chemie ist das meistens nicht so entscheidend, außer man hinterfragt nicht mal den wissenschaftlichen Bias. Aber beide, Mai Thi und Sabine haben Videos zu gesellschaftlichen Themen, die ich daneben finde und wo offensichtlich wird, dass deren analytisch-"rationaler" Ansatz in sozialen/gesellschaftlichen Fragen eben nicht funktioniert, weil er nicht so analytisch-rational ist, wie die beiden denken. Das steht in der Tradition des wissenschaftlich-rationalen Denkens, bringt uns aber nicht bei allen Themen vorwärts, wenn wir uns nur darauf verlassen. Es werden dann nämlich oft gesellschaftliche Normen einfach so übernommen und ein Problem nur innerhalb dieser diskutiert, statt über den Tellerrand zu schauen und zu fragen, inwiefern diese Normen schon die Diskussion selbst unfair machen.

[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 34 points 10 months ago

Haven't watched on fmovies before, thanks for the suggestion I guess :)


I'm usually not paying a lot of attention to Mr. Beast and such, but recently one of them came out as trans and so I was interested in how it went. Found this wholesome interview with Kris and thought to share here. Hope you can enjoy it as much :)

[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 37 points 1 year ago

Krass, ich hätte von der BILD nen viel schlechteren Artikel erwartet. Also, fands interessant, dass die ihm tatsächlich paar kritische Fragen gestellt haben, wie z.B. ob er sich für Selbstjustiz starkmacht und ob er nicht eigentlich doch mit der AFD zusammenarbeiten würde.

Aber klar, dieser Typ ist mega gruselig und merkt es selber nicht. Ruft zur Selbstjustiz auf, will wieder nur der Mehrheit zuhören, das "Migrationsproblem" lösen und er will, dass schön alles so bleibt, wie es ist, weil es gibt ja gar keine Probleme in unserer Art zu leben. Wie krass einfach die Stammtisch-Gehenden die einzigen Protagonist:innen in seiner kleinen Welt sind. Alle, die nicht dazugehören, gehören nicht gehört und wahrscheinlich auch nicht nach Bayern/Deutschland. Wie realitätsfern :/

[-] flora_explora@beehaw.org 43 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I really liked the Some More News episode on this! It explains pretty well how regardless of a rich person's intelligence they probably get corrupted by mental distortions due to being rich. That is, Elon haa probably been powertripping for too long and lost all basis on how to take good decisions because he lives in his own rich fantasy world thinking he accomplished everything because of his own superior genius...

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