There's probably a meme that someone could make showing an Internet user who is fed up with every site asking them if they want to install an app, but then also not liking that a website isn't trying to get you to install an app. It's server-side rendering baby! It's the latest old-new-old thing! (technology is cyclical, as everyone knows).
That someone is me. The developer of Interstellar (which already works with both MBIN and Lemmy) has been in touch about also adding PieFed, so I've been adding stuff to the API that he's requested. If he's able to go ahead, then Interstellar will be a better prospect than the Thunder fork (which works, but I need to have a better understanding of Dart / Flutter to properly improve it. That said, the developer of Thunder has also been in touch, so I'll have someone to ask once I know the right questions to ask, if that makes sense).
Since this is 'fedimemes', it's hopefully not too off-topic to mention that Lemmy isn't the only Fediverse platform, and client-side blocking (either with uBlock or with an app) isn't a very efficient way to do it. If your app is blocking keywords, then rather than just fetching 20 posts, it has to keep fetching an indeterminate number of posts until it has 20 posts that don't contain the keywords. Likewise, I'm guessing that if you're using uBlock, it means that a page that should have 20 posts just has however many pass the filters (which could conceivably be none of them).
Server-side filtering of keywords (like PieFed does, and probably other platforms do) is a more efficient way to handle the problem. It also means that filters can be applied for anonymous users, to give them a better first impression (so they don't just dismiss your site as one where every 2nd post is about some divisive American political figure).
It's difficult to tell what's going on, but I don't think so:
I was listening to the Adam Buxton podcast where he was interviewing Kim Deal (from The Pixies and The Breeders). She was saying that 'King of the Road' was the first song she learnt to play, and I really enjoyed listening to them jam away at it. The original is less fun in comparison, but it's still a great song.
It's not my favourite song, because that would likely be some ambient bollocks that was released last year or something, but that's not a cool thing to admit, and the thumbnail for your vid brought the Roger Miller song to mind.
(I know I'm full of shit, even when I'm writing the comment).
It'd help
if you used the same URL for the post in that community, and in the 'comics' communities, so it could also be discovered as a cross-post (using Lemmy's 'cross-post' feature makes re-using the same URL easy).
This says more about RT's flawed ratings system than it does the quality of this movie. '80% Fresh' just mean 80% of critics thought it was watchable (so it applies if there were 5 critics, and 4 said 'meh' and 1 said 'bad'). The AVClub gave it a C+, which is the kind of rating that RT regards as Fresh from some publications and Rotten from others.
I've no idea why people are trying to Jack Quaid a thing, he was already a thing as soon as he was born to his famous parents.
There's a podcast by Tansy Gardam called 'Going Rogue' that was initially about the making of Rogue One, and she covered some details about Underworld in the first episode. Lucas has said that they couldn't figure out a way to make it for less than $50 million an episode. In the meantime, as the MimicJar also mentions, a lot of the ideas were cannibalised for Clone Wars and later shows (the character of Saw Gerrera originally came from Underworld).
I don't, no, sorry.
Maybe try asking in ! ? The people there are not like us, but they are (probably) not to be feared.
This sort of gallery, or something different?