Because I just heard you speaking in this deep, menacing growl, and then I turned and saw the red skin and horns and the pitchfork, so naturally I started wondering.


I think at this point we only need to practice two or three more times, and then we'll be ready to start the Universe for real. Now, once more, from the Big Bang!


Like, okay, I can handle some changes. It'd be nice to have a consistent number of legs, but switching from four in the morning to two in the afternoon -- it's not the worst thing ever. But having to walk on three legs in the evening -- that's just ridiculous. What kind of organism walks on an odd number of legs? It's so inconvenient, I can never keep my balance. I swear, whatever mf came up with this system must have had some serious complexes...


Our friends will be forsaken and all bonds of fellowship will be broken. Please refrain from attempting any activities that require courage or bonds of friendship until a later date.


I gave them 20 million years, and they still haven't made a telescope.


joined 1 year ago