“Rich through failure” describes a lot of manchildren.
…dammit new fetish unlocked
Thank the gods I’ll never have to listen to their algorithmic sound butchering ever again.
will admit though that that one punishment - being left to live in permanent sensory deprivation while also knowing that there is literally no one in the universe who knows you exist because they were all killed - is probably the most horrific punishment i’ve ever read in fiction
Lost a bet.
The British pronunciation, which is closer to how North Americans say “mom” except with crisper consonants, works.
Babylon 5.
Every time I watch it I’m stunned at how relevant it still is.
Projection is confession when one chooses to inflict pain on others and self.
They want to abuse children. By blaming trans folks, they ate seeing up “see they do it too!” as cover for their evil actions.
I’m under legal advice to not speak about the case
why is there a blank post