Not only construction, but also maintenance costs. I imagine they are harder to access, if needed, and salt water is hostile to any structure
I think it boils down to "No opinion" not meaning "no consequences" or "no responsibility".
Chaffing truly is the worst, hope the new ones work well.
Absolut. Ich sehe tatsächlich das gesamte Format "Kommentar", zumindest wie es die Tagesschau verwendet, sehr kritisch.
Das ist gefühlt ein Freifahrtschein auch das letzte bisschen journalistische Arbeit und Faktencheck über Bord zu werfen, und oft einseitig einer beliebigen Person (es gibt keinerlei Information zu Ideologie/Interessenskonflikten etc) eine Platform für ihre Meinung zu schenken.
Ich war schon nah dran zu dem Kommentar hier einen Post zu machen, gut zu wissen, dass ich nicht alleine darin war mich darüber aufzuregen.
Franchises and ensemble casts really skew those results. So in the end it basically just comes down to "who was part of one or more large franchises" (primarily marvel), which to me is not that interesting.
For me it would be much more interesting which actors brought the most "value" to a variety of unconnected movies, which would probably boost someone like Leonardo DiCaprio much higher, and in return throw out a bunch of actors from the MCU. For example Don Cheadle, who is on the list because he replaced Terrence Howard as War Machine. Which might have been the right call and an improvement, but imo don't do the recast and you could swap those names on the list, because i don't think he majorly shifted the franchise (unlike somone such as RDJ). Recast Leo and who knows how his movies would have performed with someone else in the lead.
Not sure how an alternative ranking should work, but maybe take either the first/average/highest grossing movie of a movie series instead of adding all up.
I don't think so. The degrading processors are certainly bad, but in the grand scheme of things won't move the needle. The reputation loss is probably worse than whatever fine they end up paying (and they will drag it out).
The split would be between design and manufacturing. And it would mean a massive shift, not business as usual.
The design side is probably in better shape and would increase their use of TSMC instead of using the now spun off Intel fabs.
The manufacturing side would have it rough. But we are talking about only one of 3 manufacturers of leading edge chips here (together with tsmc and samsung), not something you "conveniently let go bankrupt". They'd try to raise more money to finish their new fabs and secure customers (while trying to make up for the lost volume from the design side). But realistically I'd say that similar to Global foundries they would drop out of the expensive leading edge race.
If once you do not succeed, just try again next year. They tried and backtracked putting heated seats behind a paywall not even a year ago see here.
Unless laws are made to make this fundamentally illegal, they'll just keep pushing until it sticks. And once one manufacturer succeeds, they'll all follow.
but it’s utterly useless.
That imo has been the issue with VR/AR for a while now. The Hardware as you said is pretty good by now and looking at something like the quest even afforable. What's lacking is content and use cases.
Smartphones had an easier time being adopted, since it was just moving from a larger to a smaller screen. But VR/AR actually needs a new type of content to make use of it's capabilities. And there you run into a chicken/egg problem, where no one is putting in the effort (and vr content is harder to produce) without a large user base.
Just games and some office stuff (that you can do just as well on a regular pc) aren't cutting it. You'd need stuff like every major sport event being broadcast with unique content, e.g. formula one with the ability to put yourself into the driver seat of any car.
By banning porn. Out of all the things that could motivate people to search for alternatives, this might be the most durable driving factor.
Outside of that I think it will be a slow decline in quality. Eventually quality content will decrease more and more, and low effort memes and bot content will take over.
Wir sind uns aber auch im Klaren darüber, dass man irgendwann auf 59 oder 69 Euro anheben müssen wird
Ich würde jetzt Mal die These in den Raum stellen, dass man das mit genug politischem Wille nicht müsste