Why did you black out your private IP addresses?
It's not free, it's socialized. This means expenses are passed to the tax payers. But like you said, if it lowers costs long term, it's worth the short term cost increase.
Really? I've seen it at least twice in the last minute.
Get an account at a bank that charges interest for negative balances instead of fees. It's the European banking model. Plenty of smaller US banks do this. Also, STOP BUYING STUFF WITH A DEBIT CARD!!!
Paying for something someone wants isn't the same as a surprise gift.
A parent buying a pet for their kids is actually a parent buying a pet for themselves; the parents very well know the pet is ultimately their responsibility.
I don't think anyone is saying to not do those things. It's the surprise of a pet that is heinous.
Boss gets fired for blowing $15M on cloud platform per year for several years. New boss comes in and demands an audit. Turns out there's waste everywhere. New boss says reduce cost or else. New boss calls a meeting a month later to review cost savings plan. Platform owner proceeds to provide a presentation outlining how the platform costs will rise by 20% next year and at least 10% every year after for several years. Platform owner gets fired. Complains no one listens to him.
Every copy costs them money. Don't you know how digital copies work?!
That's a terrible place to put them. They should be in large parking lots and garages where people leave their car for 30+ minutes.
You left out the best part... The amount is often extremely low. Just a few grand to the old PAC that directly feeds their campaign which is just a slush fund for their personal use.
I was helping my daughter (3) pee. Pee came out of 3 places at once at one point, then 2.
I'll keep my ding dong, thanks.
I thought Twitter rebranded to 69Boobies420 ?!
If this was done to me spontaneously the waiter would get an additional $5 tip.