
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

I am going to assume you are disgruntled, and answering in good faith.

Perceived issues are the point. People do not necessarily have to comment on said issues if they are not affected or interested. This is not to say things cannot get off the rails, but this is what community culture and mods are for. Do not forget science only exists because practical people perceived issues.

Picking a hypothesis is the point. People will be discussing why the problem is occurring. There ideally would be scientific evidence or real strong correlating factors on why a problem is occurring. It is the communities job to downvote abysmal hypothesis. I would like to point out this is exactly how academia of all types function.

Once there is a hypothesis (or hypotheses) that people agree on (filtered by upvotes/downvotes) the community will discuss potential solutions to the problem.

This type of community requires some maintenance to work, but that's why I am asking if it exists.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Mastodon seems to be in a weird middle that a lot of community platforms fall into. There are a lot of memes (way too many honestly) but they are political memes. I would imagine this is because a lot of people are genuinely worried about their future, but do not want to risk their life nor come off as "cringe".

This is not surprising, given that we are living in extraordinary times, but it is frustrating. I would like for intelligent and practical people to come together and talk about solutions - but we've generally been reactionary. You want good and spicy meem - but we've generally be reactionary. Like I said, its frustrating.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Agreed, this has always been a major disconnect.

I'll also say that devs are notoriously bad at "being a noob". A lot of software just takes too much investment to get working - those that do not tend to be extremely predatory (i.e Facebook).

Devs need to create dead-simple software that has UX which caters to common actions humans would do.

[–] 26 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I agree with the sentiment of this post. In fact, I was trapped (and extremely discontent) on Facebook for the first half of my digital-life; before finding open-source - and the rest is history.

I am afraid that we are not doing nearly enough however. This (like most things in this world) is a multilayered issue with no quick-fix, but the core of it is that many (and I mean MANY) of us are tech illiterate. Worse so, even more of us are math illiterate.

This generally means that most cannot cope with the current world we live in, and are experiencing extreme levels of inertia. I was here at one point, so I know how difficult this transition is.

An open web existing (on its own) won't do much - its the culture that needs to change. We need to be equipped to think, fight, and adapt - or our spaces won't survive. We are in a constant arms race with bad actors and ALL OF US need to be capable to win this fight. When the bots come to Lemmy (and they will), are most of us prepared to handle filter-lists, run servers, and potentially create a web-of-trust? I doubt this.

I would really like to see a return to real-life communication for most things (as humans are, from birth, well adapted to this) and the open-web only be used for automation and coordination. I think the most freedom comes from stability and the internet (in general) just does not offer that.

[–] -1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Common sense is not a "gotcha", its common sense. I don't know why everyone thinks this a win/lose thing.

You can find many mass killings from capitalist regimes too, its just a very pointless thing to bring up. Nazis do not care how you trade your goods. You have Capitalist-Nazis, Communist-Nazis, and Anarcho-Nazis. They are all Nazis and are not welcome.

Equating a Communist to a Nazi is total horseshit. You can also equate a Capitalist to a Nazi. Or an alien to a Nazi. But its a completely bad faith and ridiculous claim. Convo ends here - done engaging.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Small town suburbia is viable, but most suburbs (at least that I know of) are not small town - they are urban sprawl. Most of the cost is from strained infrastructure, usually due to overextending a city, which is likely not present in your town. I still would not recommend small town suburbia due to points 2 and 3, but it works.

I will note that most US suburbs are insolvent; I cannot speak for Australia. This is part of the reason why a lot of cities have genuinely abysmal infrastructure, because they cannot afford upkeep. Also keep in mind that due to point 2, property costs in the city rise because expansion becomes way more expensive because you have to tear apart suburbia.

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

I believe housing choice is a good thing. The problem is that suburbia almost always takes away housing choice for everyone else.

  1. Suburbia is not cost viable.

Notice how suburbs are almost always built around cities and almost never on their own. There is a reason for this; they are heavily subsidized by the city and its infrastructure - eventually killing off the city due to extreme maintenance costs and uncooperative tax base (NIMBYs). This is a parasitic relationship, fullstop.

  1. Suburbia is not recyclable.

It is extremely difficult to reuse suburban infrastructure for non-suburban purposes. This effectively eliminates scarce land until a patron spends 10x removing what it costs to install (not happening). This is why suburbs are often just abandoned instead of repurposed (see any rust-belt suburb).

  1. Space should not come at the cost of the future.

To navigate suburbia (only viable by car) is to put massive strain on the human body and environment. We were built to walk. If you do not, you will become fat and die (see America). Cars pollute the air to no end, and "third places" can never truly be established - killing communities.

Wanting space is fine, but people should find a way to do it sustainably without harming themselves and everyone around them.

[–] -1 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

You are confused about what point you are trying to make. Capitalists have killed billions. So have nazis. Nazis aren’t welcome because of that. Neither should capitalists. You launching into a tirade about communism is changing the subject and actually strawmanning.

If you cannot see the point after this, it's beyond saving.

[–] -1 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

I never said it wasn't the truth, I said it was a bad faith argument. You're bringing up the death-toll from Communism to call them Nazi-equivalents while ignoring the significantly higher death-toll from Capitalism. This is the textbook definition of deflection.

The actual reality is that, no matter what economic system you follow, if you want to kill and oppress people; you will kill and oppress people. Nazis are very clear that they want to kill and oppress people.

There are people that romanticize Communism, I do not (as I've said, it's not a good system). I can still see that Communism is not calling for the death of others for social stability, even if Mao/Stalin/Putin/Xi themselves are.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

Communism is not a good economic model, but "communism has killed millions" is such a bad faith argument. First off, Capitalism has killed BILLIONS (see the automobile industry and military industrial complex) but I have yet to see anyone talk about this. I also don't see you putting capitalist on the same level as Nazis

At a certain point, we have to be real about what's going on. People acting in bad faith, no matter their affiliation, need to be outcast. Trying to tow some imaginary line is a complete waste of time

[–] -4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I obviously cannot tell you what to do, but I ask that you rethink this decision. Jokes are jokes until they aren't (see sigma male culture). People will unblock the sub for memes until the forum is hijacked by actual propagandists and poisons the well.

I genuinely believe satire (including memes) was one of the worst things to come from humanity. Because most people on this space-rock are dumb-as-rocks, and cannot tell the difference between a joke and an idea. So your spicy meme becomes their thesis paper.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago

"Right of center views" currently means lies, propaganda, and reality denial. I do not consider myself a leftist (though I do agree with leftists on a lot of things) nor a communist, but there is absolutely nothing of value the current right offers.

I do agree Lemmy (and Reddit) are echo chambers. The real solution? Go outside. However, you'll likely find most people are very apathetic (and easily fooled) but not necessarily right leaning.

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