Come on, don't do Zelenka dirty!
Exactly type rm -rf /
instead of rm -rf ./
and you ducked up. Well you messed up a long time ago by having privileges to delete everything, but then again, you are human, some mistakes will be made.
I once had a problem with a new Xiaomi phone where the OS would put the clock app to sleep and the prevent it's background activity, missed 3 alarms before figuring it out.
Ki wird wohl doch nicht die Weltherrschaft übernehmen, viel zu anstrengend.
That second hat is in a closed time loop.
I wonder, will it ever cease existing.
To be fair, I don't think so, there will probably years that still be relatively cold or even colder than previously. Climate change is about extremes getting more extreme.
Gullible, scared, lack of critical thinking, blindly following authorities, there are many reasons. It's not only old people, thought.
In Germany we have the saying: "Herr lass Hirn regnen. Oder Backsteine. Egal Hauptsache du triffst!"
Which roughly translates to: "lord let it rain brains or bricks. Doesn't matter as long as it hits"
Naja wer den Druck hat auf eine bestimmte Textlänge zu kommen, der interpretiert alles in alles rein. Wie damals in der Deutschklausur.
It is very easily sortable.
Na Mal schauen wann sich die CDU plötzlich für sichere Verschlüsselungen interessiert.
Or - just a thought - don't deploy on fridays.