He uses the right word references without even knowing, like an ultra-instinct.
Somehow like when school gave me book reading assignments. It was such a pain, I can read while actually paying zero attention to it. I'm a master.
* Gathered concern *
Summary: No longer gifts.
Sure, "restrict" the kernel access. And the first company to be granted the requisites for kernel access, CrowdStrike.
With our mindset we could heat it in no time.
If I know that I'm in an experiment then I must gather information about the experiment.
Hey it has a fuckton more of microsoft telemetry on top of it.
They will defend private education. Education but not for all.
Certain companies are untouchable, reminds me of something else going on, but whatever.
I have memory for many many things. What I don't have is the ability to recall them when I want. Also I wonder how can I have good long time memory while having zero short memory, it's a mystery to me.
Safe from healthy competitive markets?