
joined 1 month ago
[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 2 points 3 days ago

Thanks! That's super exciting. Will try and send out some DMs next time it happens - just to get the more reliable ack. I doubt many people are awake at the times it is probably strongest signal though.

[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 1 points 3 days ago

Good point! I didn't think to do that to check positions, that would have confirmed if the gps was accurate. But one new comment had confirmed that it could indeed have been a tropospheric duct, which is quite exciting, as I didn't realise that was possible with LoRa, and don't think I had seen mentioned before, even though I had read about AR events where DX occur, TV signals etc. So cool!

[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 2 points 4 days ago

That is an excellent question! I have noticed it can change, and have been paying more attention to those numbers since raising the station g2, but this is a really oddly specific collection of nodes, all from one place. Maybe I should post a pic...

[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 4 points 4 days ago

OMG how did I miss seeing this before now

[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 2 points 4 days ago

I'm not sure, there's lots of nodes closer, I would have thought if there was an MQTT connection that would see them first not a specific location further away? 🤔

[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Hmm. When you've hopped a plane, have they tended to be a cluster of nodes? I guess if it was a node on a flight from a particular airport it's maybe possible... I need to go look at flight info, we're not in an area with much air traffic at all, and the time frames don't make sense, how could they keep refreshing for hours? 🤔 And the time of day, there's just not usually flights occurring in the middle of the night here either.

[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 3 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Fairly unlikely it was a plane due to the time frame in which the nodes were refreshing - was over at least 4 hours from when the first distant node was seen, to no longer seen / refreshing. And all the nodes were apparently from this one distant area, which is about 4-5 hours drive away, because it's on the other side of a big bay. And didn't see any other familiar nodes that were closer, of which there are quite a few.


So, I'm scratching my head, and hoping someone here can help, or have had a similar experience?

I live at 500msl in a small rural town of about 300 people. Started experimenting about a month ago and have a few T1000-E's and a station g2. The waterproof enclosure I ordered for the g2 finally arrived a few days ago and it's now up on a modest pole attached to my house (about 4m high), signal is much better and we only have 3 regular members of our mesh at this stage (still testing before advertising to locals).

Even before raising the g2, we'd had a few times when a couple of nodes would appear for a few hours in the early hours of the morning. We are in an area popular with hiking and 4wders so this isn't particularly unlikely especially as these are given as ideal use cases for Meshtastic, and sometimes people do get up early for this kind of thing!

But last night, we had an absolute explosion of nodes in the early hours. All had gps locations of around a very specific area on the coast, approximately 180km away as the crow flies. I think one or two of them had been seen before but I'd wiped my nodeDB a few times since then so not completely sure.

The similarity to previous times when we saw a few nodes in early hours, but many more (with g2 higher, makes sense regardless of how), makes me wonder now if something atmospheric is happening.

Could this be tropospheric ducting? If so has anyone managed to actually communicate with this kind of connection over MT?


[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 4 points 5 days ago

Interesting article, and it did change my view slightly of what ATProto is, but not by a huge amount.

Given the current political climate, a few days ago I randomly started wondering... what if some governments around the world acknowledged that communicating through Farcebok or Xitter is no longer tenable, and committed to providing social media infrastructure hosted in their own countries as a public good: "your tax dollars at work!"

Would ATProto make sense in these cases? They have the resources, and ATProto might seem more attractive/robust for that kind of scale compared to ActivityPub?

[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 5 points 5 days ago

Saw it once decades ago. It's very rare to see here. Avoid, but you really don't have to try.

[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 3 points 1 week ago

Pretty sure he'll be dead before lasting that long... I wonder what the odds are on exactly how though

[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 17 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Bold of them to assume that Trump's presidential term will end at four years.

[–] kudra@sh.itjust.works 10 points 1 week ago

Holy fucking shit. That will now be the NUMBER ONE TALKING POINT I will be leading with when doorknocking this election:

"Hey, do you or any friends have young kids? Yeah? Did you know if the Libs get in they have just suggested to change ratios to as little as 1 educator to 50 kids? No? Well that is what you risk if you don't put Libs last. Terrifying, huh? Thanks for your time!"


So I was interested in mesh comms years ago. Serval mesh and other wifi meshes were of interest, but never seemed to actually... work.

Then I got a couple of Gotennas. Used them once at a festival and then they went in a box.

Got them out about a year ago and tried to use them, discovered the company who made them decided to stop support for the common plebs who got them kickstarted, and now only do commercial / military apps. Greeeat. Look into HAM radio for the APRS, but hear from a friend that used to do it that in our country it's a higher level license to do any data, lot of expense and time, and thus there were few people actually doing it, so decide not to go that route. They mention Meshtastic briefly.

Skip forward and see a mention of the T1000-E... yes, I think this is the solution. Buy 4, and then a few days later see mention of the Station G2. Buy one.

They arrive and I get them set up and have a tinker... now it's time to start telling other people and ask if they can help me test.

I live in a really small rural town of 300 people at 500m on a sortof plateau (small gradients around town) in a mountainous region, couple of hours from a major city. The power fairly regularly goes out, usually from trees dropping power lines in heavy wind, and this is only going to get worse with climate change. Power out means no broadband. If the power is out more than a few hours, no cell connection either (which isn't great to begin with). So here is a clear use case for local comms in emergencies a few times a year at least.

So I contact two local friends and ask if they would be interested in testing a new radio mesh thing. Unbeknownst to me, BOTH of them actually have experience in HAM / CB radio.

They both are keen to have a play and I give the first a T1000-E a few days back, and with a bit of trial and error, we get a stable connection between our houses that are about 400m apart. This is without even getting antennas on roofs. Then yesterday other friend comes over and I give them a T1000-E and he pops back home - only about 200m to his place. Easy connection, no issues. Other friend is away during the day but I announce on LongFast that we have grown the mesh, but I go to sleep before he gets back.

I wake up this morning to find a smatter of conversation between them after I went to bed, and this is my favourite comment:

"I look at the s/n ratios and think it's impossible, but it works. Some very clever design and tech."


So hopefully, we will get more people interested and even potentially a connection to two other towns nearby. Both have significant hills in the way and one is in a twisty windy valley, so we'll need to get creative or maybe need to set up private mqtt server to relay between key nodes but aware that won't be useful in emergency situation with no internet/cell data, but we're learning as we go: I'm happy to have two people on board with more experience than me too.


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