Holy shit dude. At 8 hours a day, that's over 3 years of full time play! How do you support yourself?
What does that mean?
Are you talking about about the lack of games on Linux? Because that makes no sense. Check out protondb.com
And if your GPU is still only lukewarm, Stable Diffusion runs better in Linux than Windows.
In the future, how would you know? We're not far off from AI content being indistinguishable from the real thing.
You should have a look at Sebastian Lague's programming videos on Youtube. He models various things (eg: predator/prey/ant colonies, slime growth) using a few very simple rules. They're just beautiful. Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-iSQQgOd1A
Lenovo is renowned for their excellent linux compatibility. I'm sure you'll get a bunch of proponents here saying the same.
BUT, oh boy. Don't get me started...
Too late. Having used various models of thinkpads in recent years, their inconsistent keyboard layouts will drive you absolutely insane. I swear, at this point they're just fucking with us.
I've got one in pieces somewhere, that has/had the ~ key next to the FN key on the bottom row! How the fuck are you supposed to use Linux if you're ~ key is down there? It's fucking stupid.
Not to mention their keys have a tendency to break off with just the mildest of fist slams.
AND the latest work-issued recent model is fucking with us again! It has the FN key ON THE LEFT SIDE of the Ctrl key on the left. Who does that? The Ctrl is always the left-most bottom key. Now, every time I fucking go to press Ctrl+something, I end up hitting FN instead.
Fucking morons! At this rate this laptop will also end up in pieces.
So, tldr; Stay the fuck away from Lenovo if you want to use Linux and not end up in prison for vehicular homicide.
Yeah, I was having a whinge about it here the other day. Just a sec while I dig up the corpse...
Systemd* removes choice*, and it was designed to do so. That is why there is so much anger. It is bad software design, by design. It flies in the face of the core linux principles, all in the name of homogenising the linux ecosystem, and you know exactly which big corporations benefit from that.
The simple fact is: today, if I want to run a mainstream distro without Systemd, I cannot. Its cancerous tentacles run so deep that decoupling it from a mainstream distro, and keeping it decoupled, is a full time job.
Instead I have no choice but to run a smaller, less featured, less secure and less funded alternative. Good luck getting Gnome to work without systemd.
Full credit to Devuan, MxLinux, Artix, and the other united underdogs.
Fuck you Redhat/IBM and your proxy evil-doer Lennart.
But if you want to read more about how why others hate systemd, there's no shortage of material:
I'm a linux developer of 25+ years and I'm permanently banned from /r/linux because I dared criticize systemd.
My answer is therefore: Power-tripping mods. Where mods are required, ensure the community has the ability to oust them.
Ah right, I see. Sounds like you're making the right choices in the context of your unfortunate situation. Yeah, playing games pretty much rules out a remote desktop setup. Sorry I don't have any more answers to your questions, but you're clearly asking the right ones.
All good points. Fair enough. That said, don't be too quick to dismiss the remote desktop option. Not sure when you last tried, but these days with software like remmina, connecting remotely to a desktop (particularly one on your lan) is indistinguishable to sitting in front of it. Sure, you can't do things like play games at any useable framerate, but for something like Stable Diffusion I would expect it to be ideal.
Buying a laptop that can run SD will cost you more than twice as much as an equivalent desktop. A desktop will also remain upgradeable for the next 10 years or so.
My ex was a hoe hoe person.
If you're technically inclined, a simple bash script with a for loop could dump the time and discharge rate to a text file every minute. Then you could copy/paste that into LibreOffice calc and do yourself some pretty graphs, or whatever.
edit: just found a tool called powerstat which looks like it does sampling over longer intervals.
sudo apt install powerstat