
joined 3 months ago
[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago

"Democratic People's Republic of the"

best countrey :) real

[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 2 weeks ago

funny duck :)

it eaten

[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

thank you oppo! you too

[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 3 weeks ago

sarah bread lololololol romanian for bread is paine lololololol

jokes aside, i have relatives that believe in dimensional aliens and fucking REGRESSIVE HYPNOSIS



sorry for talking about this shit, i saw "psychoanalysos" and thought of the "alien cultist soul freeing 2d rock 5d alien 3d person fellow all religion is demons sucking your soul energy" stuff some relatives of mine believe in

people believe in this shit because capitalism forces everyone to not go to the left path, only in the fairy tale world or some shit

[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 3 weeks ago

the fuck i ever did to them, i just got born with all that and they think it's the measles vaccinvaccine lmfao

i know that capitalism allows these conspiracies to exist to undermine leftist thought but i will never understand that. i know the reason, but my brain refuses to understand it. like, my entire family believes in chemtrails and blame them for every sickness they get. it makes no sense realistically but they believe in it with all their heart

[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

i know people who are anti-vaxxers. they're extremely vocal, i think the ones you are talking about are a different kind compared to the ones that i know

they use me as proof that vaccines cause you autisms and shit and that vaccines are "the devil"

romania is starting to get more and more anti-vax cause of covid. like they already don't trust the government much, so now far right romanian news outlets are all in on antivax shit because "the leaked 8chan". my entire family became anti-vax cause of some incidents surrounding me and "autistic traits"

"they injected you with adhd!!! they made you a vegetable!!!!!!", i heard it all

fucking hell. i don't wanna mention chemtrails and flat earth, i know people that believe in those too. i talked about it some time ago here so idk

[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

what the fuck is a plague rat? they don't die in 3 seconds due to severe poisoning

i genuinely do not understand the phenomenon cause i never heard of it

[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (6 children)

i never interacted with r*ddit but my first ever post (my introductory one) for some reason has a fucking downvote, i will never understand why

do people hate me this much? are my shitposts that bad?

my effortposts based on a hyperfixation i have barely get traction but my shitposts sometimes skyrocket. and i still get downvote. hell, i literally don't get anything in my foss game posts. i don't feel like writing them anymore cause of it.

i planned on making a post based on a comment i made here on c/games but what's the point if i'd just get zero looksies and thus zero interest in open source games that i personally enjoy?

[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 4 weeks ago

thank you, it's a very nice hegemon :)

[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 4 weeks ago (4 children)

yay :D

good luck at work!

[–] lelkins@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

glad you are okay mate :D

i am honestly feeling better too. i am just cozy right now


pic related

i like flash games

this is an official sonic flash game. it's just breakout or arkanoid

i am sick i am sorry i can't write much i feel so tired argh



ay mates, lelkins here. is this a new unnamed foss game thing? no! this is an old unnamed foss game thing, in a time when i used to have a gemini (basically internet 0.5, text only, uses a sort of markdown-type thing. some of you know what i am talking about).

yes, i was a foss game advocate before being here! yes, i am recycling stuff i wrote in 2022! YES, THIS IS FROM LIKE 3 YEARS AGO AS OF WRITING THIS EXTRA TEXT. 2022-05-08!

i actually got noticed at the time, with a website known as "tuxmachines" (gemini link through a web proxy) showing my beginner's guide to emulation that was made back in 2023-01-04 don't judge me i put the date like that because it was the style at the time.

my posts are no longer visible there, i planned to make them into an html thing with pictures and stuff but i didn't do that when i had my own website made with the help of a friend because i was lazy as hell. you know what i can do? post here for the world to see! yeeeees, now that's more like it!

also do not judge me for recycling posts i already made, my life is a mess right now and i do not have much time to write something new (soon? i dunno, don't count on it!)

and before you ask me "lelkins, why is this open source? this is no source code". the creators allow you to edit the game for mod purposes similar to srb2 or ring racers (RING RACERS MENTIONED, REJOICE!!) according to a long gone forum post. i saw it with my eyes, i consider it open source. not free due to obvious copyrighted assets by capcom. the engine is free, the code is open due to the pk3 and wad formats, but the characters and stuff are not. think of it as open source as sonic robo blast 2.

edit: i have added a screenshot that i took on november 13th, 2024 on the genzedong matrix server. had to scour really good

anyhow, let's hear 2022 lelkins with

How to play Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch on Linux

ay mates, lelkins here. i have this knack for classic doom. anything can run doom (including, but not limited to toasters, fridges, road kill skunks, potatoes, my hp 250 g2, your great great great grandparent's maiden's dog house and many more) which is basically a piece of the craptop gaming holy grail, and this fangame is no exception.

mega man 8-bit deathmatch is actually a full-on doom total conversion that includes the entire cast from the mega man franchise (even the nice >:] woodman) in a story-driven quake-like deathmatch game and runs nicely on most low-spec machines. this fangame heavily relies on zandronum, a doom source port that focuses on multiplayer and bots, which is thankfully on linux. even if it's this simple to have running on linux, they don't have an official launcher like how they have on windows. you could run mm8bdm through wine, but it doesn't even work properly aND WE WANT NATIVE, DAMMIT!

the reason why i made this entire thing is because i wanted to play mm8bdm on linux, i found out how to run it after looking at one forum thread with a small hint revolving around doomseeker and wanted to share with everyone. not many people know how to properly run this game on linux and i had to turn it into a full tutorial. it's so god damn fun, i HAVE to tell you to try this game out, be it singleplayer or multiplayer.


you need the following:

  • zandronum (available on arch: yay -S zandronum; and flathub for everywhere else) and an extracted copy of mm8bdm obtained through the official cutstuff website. you need this for the two files
  • megamang (optional: doomseeker to unlock multiplayer server magic and the easier-ish way to play.)

Setup Modes

this time, you have two options! a singleplayer-only, a tad bit harder way or an easy, multiplayer compatible way!

Old Fashioned Way

  • open up the mm8bdm archive and find the "megagame.wad" and "MM8BDM-v6b.pk3" files. the second one is based on version. make sure to get the latest version too. the guide won't change cause the setup will be the same.

  • put those two files in a nice folder, somewhere you can easily go to. remember that folder.
  • either run this command on the terminal or do the lutris part of the tutorial.

zandronum -iwad [[THAT FOLDER]]/megagame.wad -file [[THAT FOLDER]]/MM8BDM-v6b.pk3 (if you used flatpak, replace "zandronum" with "flatpak run com.zandronum.Zandronum")

hello user of alttext! this is a visualized version of the command! i drew the woodman myself, he looks really nice thank you for noticing

Lutris Setup

future lelkins here! this used to work last time i did this, but i have cooked up a new method in case you also get the "no PLAYPAL found!" error in your logs. that error shows up because zandronum can't find the files it needs to run the game

old method:

  • executable: /bin/zandronum
  • arguments: "-iwad [[THAT FOLDER]]/megagame.wad -file [[THAT FOLDER]]/MM8BDM-v6b.pk3"

working method:

  1. make a shell script in your game files' directory containing: zandronum -iwad megagame.wad -file MM8BDM-v6b.pk3

in this tutorial, it will be called "mm8bdm.sh".

make sure it's executable (aka use "chmod +x mm8bdm.sh")

  1. add these settings to a new lutris game:
  • executable: [[THAT FOLDER WITH THE SHELL SCRIPT]]/mm8bdm.sh
  • working directory: [[THAT FOLDER]]

this will let the shell script grab the files it needs and actually run on lutris. even gamemode will be used.

Easier-ish Way (needed for multiplayer!)

(the default wadseeker location is "/home/user/.config/doomseeker", by the way!)

  • get doomseeker, and find the wadseeker button (third button in the ribbon, shaped like paper)

  • search "megagame.wad,MM8BDM-V6b.pk3" through wadseeker and press download.

(rapid round. this is for a singleplayer campaign. i don't know how to make servers. just search somewhere else, sorry!)

  • create game; mode > play offline; IWAD "..." button > .config/doomseeker/megagame.wad; add button for additional wads > .config/doomseeker/MM8BDM-V6b.pk3

  • play and enjoy. please note that this configuration saves upon exit and can be saved manually too. if you want to play again, just press "create game" and hit play.

since doomseeker is actually a server list finder thing, you can actually play multiplayer! just press the filter button (ninth button in the ribbon, shaped like a funnel) and search megagame.wad in the WADS part. you will find multiple servers that can be played.


unlike the windows version, you don't have proper default controls. but thankfully, dr light (the character you talk to in the single player campaign) does tell you to check the control settings and gives you the options screen, so no biggie i guess.

[ future me here. the controls are still good to play with, but still try changing a bit for comfort! ]

have fun, mates!

back to modern times


my writing's just as weird as now, ain't it? didn't change much? i dunno. i used to roleplay as the mspaint wood man at the time and constantly drew the guy to the point of drawing him pretty good. i tried drawing him now and he still looks good

this post is so old, my old laptop (hp 250 g2) got a mention! i had to use bumblebee to even play stuff. now with literal gaming gear, i can run stuff that i was unable to play. at the time i was so bummed to hear veloren no longer support opengl through glx, making my old laptops unable to run the game (requires egl to play). i hope y'all enjoy this shit as much as i did writing it back in 2022

sorry for not many pictures, i am a bit lazy to screenshot the game on my side. the game is fun though, please try it out!


megaman 8 bit deathmatch



a special thank you to astrostellar at hexbear dot net. yes, this is the post i told you about.

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