Weil Höcke noch vier Jahre braucht. /s
Klar, haben ja auch alle nach Kraft gegen die Rot/Grün gestänkert. Statt mal mit konstruktiven Vorschlägen zu kommen biedern sich die Ärsche dem Populismus und damit dem rechten Spektrum an.
Da ja jetzt die Faschisten gewonnen haben, wird es wohl keine Randalierer geben.
Sure, but this is a policy problem and not a technology one.
greifste wieder Steuermillionen ab
Die sich direkt in die Dividende verabschieden.
Direct URL: https://d07riv.github.io/diabloweb/
But you still need the DIABDAT.MPQ
file from the original game.
It means it's great.
I had the experience recently with two wifi usb sticks. Linux: Work out of the box, no hassle. Windows: One was not supported on Win 11 and caused blue screens, the other only works on USB2 port, not on USB3 and it was a real hassle to finde the right drivers.
That's why I don't understand people who say Windows is easier than Linux.
Why have preinstalled apps though?
To make it easier for people.
I feel that:
There are two attitudes on display here which I see in a lot of software folks. First, that CPU speed is infinite and one shouldn't worry about CPU optimization. And second, that gigantic speedups from hardware should be expected and the only reason hardware engineers wouldn't achieve them is due to spectacular incompetence, so the slow software should be blamed on hardware engineers, not software engineers.
Sehr gut! Der einzige erwachsene in Berlin.