only if Rockstar email battleye telling them to turn on compatibility. something places like Bungie will never do
it's a very successful rebrand. people Ive talked to hate linux as a concept but will use a deck
we really got kde 6 before gimp 3
windows update can and will always find your dual boot eventually and break it
for better and worse, XWayland works perhaps too well
under the definition of bike shedding in the Encyclopedia you'll find wayland the prime example. been waiting years on one pr for them to decide on the word "may" vs "will"
same old excuse. all they need to do is shit out a deb and the distros can all figure out their garbage from there
I have all the blobs, I like my hardware to work
article from February, anybody got benchmarks? pretty sure this is long since merged and working iirc
if every instance of dolphin UI doesn't lock up when I'm doing file operations across NFS that sure would be nice
philanthropy is the industry of laundering money and reputations
/joke outside security patches? about every 2-3 years /joke