Can you name some distros which are FOSS only and would whine if I were to attempt non-FOSS software installs? Debian now bundles non-free software by default (it's an opt-out now instead of opt-in)
Just coming back to say that I'm loving recoll. I've set up Thunderbird to download everything with POP and I've pointed recoll at the profile directory. Since Recoll also seems to be able to read PDFs, it is giving me amazing results at blazing speeds. Honestly if there was a decent application to just pull down email with POP I probably wouldn't even open thunderbird other than to reply to stuff
Good plan. I'm balking at having to pay 500 for a mobile device which I know won't last me for more than 4 years at maximum (unless I spend more and buy iFixit repair kits which isn't my forté). If the FairPhone was available in the US I'd consider it but I guess running Graphene is probably a better idea given the price you got the device at. Thanks
How has your experience been with Mutt? I've heard about neomutt from a lot of people but I'm honestly a bit intimidated to move to a completely CLI-based email client especially because it's another configuration file which I'll need to be mindful of