This doesn't work nearly as well as it did in the past. I don't know the story behind 12ft, but they seem to be complying with any site which has requested it to not work on their articles.
~~Did this game focus on anything in particular and do that well? Exploring isn't it.~~
I'm tired of being negative gamer. This game looks fun even if it isn't mind blowing, but seeing as I've never played a Bethesda game I think I'm just as likely to play one of the older games because they look about as good.
How I see this problem is that we aren't given to tools to help us decide how we want to live our lives. Work sucks and is a waste of time. Contributing to society is valuable and something I want to do.
I've come around. Us internet dwellers should take it easy on the judgment and cynicism about this festival.
People take the internet too seriously these days. Let the festival people have fun.
No it's just another video game. The core competency of this developer is dialogue interaction or dialogue puzzles that help create a sense of immersion in a world with lots of RPG mechanics. It is more or less in line with their previous games. There are quite a few tacked on features.
There's so much media coverage of video games these days I think it makes it hard to just have them stand on their own merits without having every detail examined and compared across every game that has ever released. People who are spending the money on video games as entertainment will be entertained, but this isn't a genre defining product and it isn't a flop either.
Kind of ironic considering the climate protests on the way in.
Work shouldn't be the primary source of stress in our lives no matter what the job is.
I don't think it was a choice. Xbox did it first and that's why I bought a ps3. Then sony introduced it. Then nintendo. It's still less expensive than a PC hobby. Consumers don't have much say in what these companies do or how they operate.
Wow these guys are screwed, that's textbook trafficking. I hope the laws are up to par in wherever they are.
Lol that place is something else
I'm ready for that. When being a youtuber started looking like a job I think the site lost something.
what the fuck hahaha