[-] memphis@feddit.org 11 points 1 day ago

Translation of parts from the German netzpolitik.org article:

[...] For over two years, the Commission has wanted to oblige internet services to scan the content of their users for criminal offenses and send it to the authorities in the event of suspicion. For almost a year now, the Parliament has described this as mass surveillance and has called for only unencrypted content of suspects to be scanned. [...] The EU Commission demands that internet services scan their users' content for three types of criminal content: known child pornography, new material and grooming. For known material, there are established systems for matching unencrypted content with hashes. This technology alone has been criticized. [...] A majority of states also agree with the new proposal.

Ten states even emphasize that "the current proposal has reached the limit of their willingness to compromise". [...]

The EU Commission emphasizes that its draft law and the current proposal also cover encrypted content. The Commission believes it is "still necessary to have the possibility of detection in encrypted communications" - i.e. to override encryption. [...]

Other states also reject the current proposal. Six states "stated that they could not agree to the proposal due to fundamental concerns.


The Legal Service of the EU member states supports the critics. Last year, the experts came to the conclusion that chat control is contrary to fundamental rights and will fail in court. These concerns have "still not been dispelled". The lawyers also believe "that the proposal would not stand up to judicial review" - i.e. it is illegal.

[...] If either France or Italy - or two states from the Netherlands, Belgium and the Czech Republic - reject the new proposal, there will still be no majority in the Council.

[...] The Hungarian Council Presidency is sticking to its optimistic timetable. Hungary actually wanted to "further negotiate the proposal at a technical level". That would be the Council working group on criminal prosecution. It met today, but did not discuss the chat control. Instead, the advisors for justice and home affairs are to negotiate the Hungarian proposal on Monday. If Hungary has its way, the Permanent Representatives will then decide on the Council's position, followed by the Justice and Home Affairs Ministers on October 10. France and Sweden are "explicitly" in favor.

[-] memphis@feddit.org 5 points 1 day ago

Tiefe Gedanken mit Tief

[-] memphis@feddit.org 6 points 2 weeks ago

Verkauft wird die neue biometrische Rundum-Überwachung jetzt als „Maßnahme gegen gewaltbereiten Islamismus“. Doch schon in dem vor zwei Wochen geleakten BMI-Referentenentwurf für ein neues BKA-Gesetz ist die Idee weitreichender biometrischer Überwachung enthalten. Und zwar mit noch mehr biometrischen Daten, die aus dem Internet gesammelt werden sollen, etwa „Bewegungs-, Handlungs- oder Sprechmuster.“

Und ich dachte immer, dass sowas nur in dunkelsten dystopischen Romanen passieren wird (╯°□°)╯

[-] memphis@feddit.org 42 points 2 weeks ago

The EU isn't just one simple entity, it's doing good things and bad things at the same time. Considering the recent election of the parliament, 'security'-focused rethoric seems to resonate with the people.

To be fair, conservatives have been wanting this for a long time and this isn't something entirely new.

submitted 2 weeks ago by memphis@feddit.org to c/netzkultur@feddit.org
submitted 2 weeks ago by memphis@feddit.org to c/europe@lemmy.ml
[-] memphis@feddit.org 9 points 2 weeks ago

If you want to help out, download this video made by the campaigners and share it with people who aren't in the privacy bubble.

[-] memphis@feddit.org 8 points 3 weeks ago

Obwohl das hier ganz positiv erscheint, will ich auf eine Marketingstrategie hinweisen, die damit zusammenhängt. Häufig nutzen Firmen eben 'kontroverse' Einstellungen, um in die Schlagzeilen zu kommen. Daraufhin erhalten die Marken dann Aufmerksamkeit (besonders von Andersdenkenden). Bei Keurig und Adidas hat das Prima geklappt. Vollidioten zerstören in Extremfällen Produkte als Boykott, was den Firmen nur hilft (mehr Nachfrage, da weniger Sättigung, obwohl Produkte verkauft wurden). Hier ein DuRöhre Filmerzeugnis dazu: https://yt.artemislena.eu/06yy88tLWlg?t=478

[-] memphis@feddit.org 4 points 3 weeks ago

oh lol, den hatte ich irgendwie garnicht wiedererkannt

[-] memphis@feddit.org 5 points 3 weeks ago

Helft einem Zuhausi aus: Wer ist das Rechts?

[-] memphis@feddit.org 4 points 3 weeks ago

Ach was, ich wette die Gekte trommelt schon Truppen zusammen

[-] memphis@feddit.org 5 points 4 weeks ago

Nix gegen den Umbau, finde das prima. Dennoch fällt das Framing der Bilder auf (z.B. schönes Wetter beim Nachher-Bild). Wäre eigentlich nicht nötig gewesen...

[-] memphis@feddit.org 14 points 1 month ago

Die meisten jungen FDP-Wähler, die mir über den Weg gelaufen sind, sind eher so auf Lindner-Linie. Junge Liberale sind sogar noch schlimmer :\

[-] memphis@feddit.org 3 points 1 month ago

Hmm, schätze mal "Brand Identities" brennen sich ein. Der Username wahr eigentlich vom Ort inspiriert xD

ich_iel (feddit.org)
submitted 1 month ago by memphis@feddit.org to c/ich_iel@feddit.org
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