You’re an abusive mod
What has been done about anything though?
Good. Humanity is a failed experiment.
I’m in favor of human extinction. It’s not personal, it’s just better for the universe if we stop existing.
Heavily influenced by capitalism lol
I think it mostly catches newer people who aren’t sure where to go or how federation works. Originally I went with .ee only because it was at the top of the list I was looking at and for some reason .world has always rubbed me wrong.
Alas, ee was home to a lot of “conservatives,” so I just picked the most generic sounding one after getting banned for my radical left ideas! “” is very boring sounding haha.
Although, I do like the use of the .social tld, as I am a fan of relevant tld choices.
.ml is for Mali, in west Africa. And .ee is for Estonia.
Anyway, I hope remains generic.
The US is far too disorganized
So, I guess we should do what’s necessary to protect ourselves…